While respecting patients’ right to self-determination. Nursing provides holistic care during health, illness and death. EKU CHS DBGN (2015/2016) Philosophy My philosophy of nursing is that each patient should get the best quality of care while they are in the hospital, no matter what race, age, religion or gender they are.
Caring for The Individual: An Examination of Personal Nursing Philosophy Arianna Mailloux 400164224 NURSING 2AA3 Ashley Collins Harris February 19, 2018 As a novice nurse, developing and understanding of ones’ own personal feelings about nursing is important to help shape your clinical practice. Within this paper I will examine my personal assumptions, beliefs and values of the four nursing paradigms to develop a personal philosophy of nursing. This philosophy will be aligned with a known nursing theory and the comparisons will be discussed. Section I: Personal Philosophy of Nursing Person
In order for one to construct a personal philosophy, they must consider the four nursing metaparadigms: person, nursing, environment, and health. Depending on what concepts and processes they are influenced by, the focus concept of person will be affected differently. I will be focusing on the influence of ethics and communication on my personal philosophy. Personal Philosophy
My Philosophical Worldview of Nursing The interaction of human beings and the setting of domicile must be fully explored to appreciate their way of life. My nursing worldview is shaped mostly by my beliefs and values and somewhat by the work of Florence Nightingale at during the Crimean war. According to Fee & Garofalo (2010), Nightingale’s work focused on the surroundings of the sick soldiers.
As a pediatric acute care nurse my personal philosophy is grounded on providing genuinely compassionate care. I strive to look beyond just the diagnosis and recognize the need of not only my knowledge and skills but my care and comforting hands. Kari Martinsen went through an extensive journey realizing that nursing requires more than preset goals or learned hands on skill, but that nursing also takes heart and compassion to be successful. Nursing is an honorable position and one that is driven upon genuinely caring for the utmost well-being of patients. It is more than a job that offers a paycheck and more than just a science, it is a calling.
Christian nurses are given the unique ability to provide compassionate and spiritual care to a variety of patients. The purpose of this paper is to explain my definition of nursing as a caring art, describe how Christian faith impacts caring, describe my personal philosophy of nursing while identifying my own personal values and beliefs, and discus how my beliefs impact my nursing practice. To me, nursing as an art of caring, is defined as caring for the whole person, building meaningful relationships, and providing compassionate care. Holistic nursing care involves healing a person physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I believe the art of nursing is embedded in the steps we take to address problems that are not simply physical.
The purpose of this paper is to describe how nursing’s philosophical foundations influence nursing practice and my personal philosophy. My Philosophy I have always viewed nursing as an art; throughout history, nurses have derived conceptual models and theories from other disciplines to create nursing theories and apply them to clinical practice. “As nursing theoretical thinking has evolved, there has been a need to embrace both the practical aspects of practice while dealing with those questions that have classically been the purview of philosophy” (Pesut & Johnson, 2007, p. 116).
In order to posit one’s personal philosophy he or she must have a clear understanding regarding self and the specific area (Nursing). The Cambridge Online Dictionary (2016) defined personal as “ relating or belonging to a single or particular person rather than to a group or an organization”. Doheny et al. (1997) defined philosophy as “beliefs of a person or group of persons and reveals underlying values and attitude regarding an area (as cited in Masters, 2017).
My Personal Philosophy and Values of Nursing Nursing is proving care, support, and serve people who are in need. The purpose of nursing is to improve patient 's health condition to a better life. The goal of this paper is to explain my personal philosophy and clarify some of my values of nursing. Personal Philosophy
The main ideas that revolve around my personal nursing philosophy include an empathetic and holistic approach of care for all patients. How I began to develop my personal philosophy of nursing began with self-reflection to determine