Winston Churchill “There is only one duty, try to be right and do not fear to say or do what is right”. This is a quote from Winston Churchill according to Frasier. What powerful words they are. Not only do these words show that Churchill was brave as a visionary leader, but this also shows that he was just as ethical as a leader, and I will show that his actions, decisions and behaviors during his time were just as equally important to his leadership capabilities. Visionary Leader Early on in WWII, Great Britain and Winston Churchill were left with a very hard decision.
Ethical leaders As we see changes in the way of policing, ethical leadership and behavior is becoming more challenging for law enforcement officers. Police officers should be ethical leaders committed to the law and professional standards. Police officers with ethical leadership posses a philosophical moral foundation and his/her actions and decisions will be based on that; many officers may face challenges or difficulties while trying to adapt to the new way of policing, especially when working with unethical peers. With this being said there are specific characteristics in addition to strong ethical and moral values that can successful develop ethical leaders.
What is my leadership philosophy? Over twenty years ago, I raised my right hand and took an oath of office by which I swore to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.” I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
1. My philosophy of leadership is about collaboration and teamwork. Respecting and treating everyone the same, is key to supporting a good team atmosphere. I believe when a leader puts effort and care into assisting others, then their peers and followers will naturally want to support them. It is also important for a leader to recognize, that advocacy must never become so important that the critical elements of leadership are neglected (e.g. policy enforcement, command support, etc...).
Fit to Fight, Fit to LEAD An Armed Force Officer is a special breed Our greatest ASSET is our INTEGRITY We take our every RESPONSIBILITY seriously By our EXAMPLE we LEAD”
Question 1 Peter Loescher was hired by Siemens when the company was experiencing extremely difficult times. After the bribery scandal, the main goal was to gain back the trust and respect from the customers and partners, as well as building a new vision. The company’s board of directors decided that they needed a person from outside of the company, who had no connection and loyalty to previous vision, and no affiliation with previous management team. In my opinion, the company owners hired Loescher for a specific purpose to change the overall team perception of how work is supposed to be done.
What is Ethical Leadership some may ask. It is leadership that shows through the actions of having respect for ethical beliefs and values, and for the dignity and rights of others. Ethics is associated with the morals and values an individual finds desirable. It is a philosophical term originating from Greek word “ethos” meaning custom or character. While in the United States Marine Corps, the definition of ethics in an organizational setting was as follows:
From my point of view , Leadership has more to it than I can possibly imagine. I define leadership as the art of enabling a group of people get to a specific destination. As a leader your main focus was to enable your followers lead theselves. As i think deeper i realise a person cannot choose to be a leader. I think a lot of the time people take on leadership positions without knowing.
Self Reflection over an Introduction to Adaptive Leadership When first signing up for this class I believed it to be a class about learning how to become a leader, or an even better one. After watching the course introduction and learning more about this class I learned that it was not what I thought it was about, but would still value me greatly. As I have examined the history of different leadership styles and theories I have expanded greatly on what I knew about leadership, learning specifically about adaptive leadership. I can also say that I have seen growth in my journals over the past few weeks, as they have started to grasp a better understanding of adaptive leadership.
Through this course I’ve learned skills of how to lead and work as a unit with others. Also through moving through the ranks and this past year being the Alpha Company commander with the rank of Cadet Captain I learned how to take responsibility of the actions and deeds of my unit and myself. It also helped me to see that being on the top of the food chain with many below you at your command isn’t all fun and games it entails things like knowing if your company’s data is all squared away and if everyone is up to date, if they all have uniforms and if not when will they get them, and if they have them are they wearing them correctly, who's going to promotion board are they ready is their uniform squared away and things like
Ethical leadership is related to employee job satisfaction by impacting a positive influence on employee performance (Resick et al., 2011). The ethical leadership also found to increase the intrinsic motivation and job responses (Piccolo, et al., 2010). The willingness of the employee to report any concern and problem also depends on the organization culture and leadership behavior (Brown et al., 2005). It is also studied that a leader with strong ethical traits can affect positively to task significance and autonomy of the employee job (Ruiz, Ruiz & Martinez, 2011). According to them, the followers have willingly perceived the good traits of their leaders and thus good moral, values are practiced in an organization that can shape the overall
INTRODUCTION A leader is one of the main component of an organization. There is no organization without a leader. A leader is a person who have the power or authority to lead, guide, or command other individual, a team, or an organization. As an organization is a tool to achieve an objective, there is a need of a leader to lead everyone in the organization to achieve the objective.
Most importantly, since the contents of this course are largely different from what I have learned in my major courses. I regard this as a rare opportunity for me to take on some new challenges, and I would like to take a chance to develop my leadership skills. Before attending this course, “leadership” is a word quite far away from me, and I only have some basic understandings of it. And I found out that most of my thoughts I had about leadership are very different from what it really is.
Introduction- The leadership and management are two important pillars of modern day business. “You manage things; you lead people” Grace Hopper (retired Admiral, U.S. Navy). On one hand managers, not only motivate people but they also set the course of direction and organize to achieve the targets.
Nice discussion post this week! You start off with a great definition of what leadership is. To me, it is hard to define what leadership is, especially in one sentence, but I agree with you that leadership is the action of leading others or an organization. I feel like it is when someone steps up and goes into the unknown as well. It is also important to mention that it is never just one single person.