Throughout high school I have participated in many different activities and programs, but one of the opportunities I was given I will carry with me forever. As a junior at River Valley I participated in the Marion General Teen Volunteer Program. After interviewing and being placed in the physical therapy unit I took the opportunity to branch out into other areas of the hospital. I soon made my way to the labor and delivery floor where everyday a miracle happened. My duties while volunteering included assisting the nurses during hearing checks, changing diapers, and rocking crying infants in special care.
I would like to be apart of ASB because I’m interested in helping Medea be the best school it can be. I always like to learn new things and I will appreciate new experiences learning from seventh and eighth graders. I am responsible and I am excited for my leadership skills to be tested. Also, I will gain more responsibility and learn more leadership skills throughout my time in ASB. As part of ASB, I will be able to work with other students who have similar interests and want to be fellow leaders at Medea.
The AVID program has had a positive impact in my academics, and in my life by helping me focus, enrich, and solidify my goals. I can say with full confidence that AVID has become an integral part of my High School year that equipped me with the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in college. As an immigrant who came to the United States five years ago and English being my third language, the AVID program challenged me to think critically and strive to learn more. Personality wise, there are major changes that I observed once I joined the program.
Personal Statement- Stephanie Olivera Growing up I was always the odd one in our family. When my parents started having children, they did not plan us very well. I am 5 years younger than my older brother, 4 years younger than my sister and 8 years older than my younger brother. I was the child that did not have anyone to "play" with, and I grew accustomed to being alone.
When people think of the phrase, “the good life”, they immediately think of money; stellar paychecks, lavish vacations, and European sport cars. While that may sound appealing, I think money is only a small fraction of what the good life really is. I associate the good life with comfort. A comfortable life isn’t luxurious; It’s pursuing a career you’re passionate about and making enough money from it to support your family and do the things you love without falling into debt. Something I hope to lose while I’m in college is any shred of ignorance that I may have.
Many people come across roadblocks through their journey of life. I know I've had my fair share of them. The biggest bump in my academic life was changing it completely upside down. Growing up african American or with any skin that holds the slightest of pigment is not easy, but that's obvious due to our nation's past. Racism and stereotypeing has always been there.
Thank you for your generous award to me from the Paul W Priebe Schorlaship. Your support helps me to pursue my education, to meet the achievement of a lifelong dream. As an immigrant, I cherish the opportunity that living in America offers to me. I had a bachelor of Economics in my home country, but when my family moved to U.S from Vietnam two years ago, I realized that I like accounting and have good opportunities in this field, I decided to go back UNK to earn the bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting Emphasis.
I wish not to base my level of successfulness on the amount of money I earn or receive, but on the amount of heart I give to others and my work. Over the next thirty years my success will be reflected by a number of significant milestones that will lead me into a career in the music industry. The hard work and values my Ghanaian immigrant parents instilled in me has led to my academic success as I was constantly reminded of the value of education. Pushed to do better everyday, my parents were successfully able to build up a strong work ethic in me.
It is important for the CLS program to invest in me specifically because I am unable to go and study in the Middle East without the funding provided by this scholarship. It is highly unlikely that an opportunity to travel to one of the different countries available would arise that I could feasibly take. I also believe that I should be invested in because I have developed a great passion for the Arab language and culture since I have started studying them. Initially, I began studying Arabic because my Arabic professor was so passionate and excited about the language and the ability to teach it to students.
In grade 11, I was introduced to the DECA club. DECA is an international organization involving students in business leadership and networking with other DECA clubs that share similar business interests, learning skills and goals. The DECA competition component involves a written exam and case study presentation, tailored to a specific business category. Teams are clustered by a school, where students may compete individually or in a partnership. My high school started DECA for the first time in 2014 and I thought, what better opportunity to pursue my interest in business than to become a founding member of this program at my school.
The first book I can remember falling in love with was Louisa May Alcott's 'Little Women', it compelled me with its ties of sisterhood, and how utterly different their lives were in comparison to my own. As I continue to grow and my ability to read texts analytically has improved I can appreciate other aspects in the novel, such as the growing feminist theme of strong women. I had previously assumed that the patriarchy confined and oppressed women, Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' has challenged my perceptions on 19th century women. Throughout my life literature and reading have been of the utmost importance, and academically this quickly translated into my love for English.
As a child, I have always wanted to start or be part of a successful business. I plan to do this when I attend the University of Texas at Austin. During the first two years of college, I plan to gain experience through internships. Not only will my education help me acquire these internships, but will also aid me in excelling at them. Through these internships, I will truly be able to experience the business world in its full capacity.
we are responsible for doing what we can to cultivate our strengths and manage our vulnerabilities. • The fact is that there are certain things in life we are responsible for, and many that we are not. The secret is to discover the delicate balance between fate and responsibility without turning down relative freedom to become who we wish. • fate is different from destiny .
In recent years, I have had the opportunity to gain new insights about the different characteristics of international politics and societal issues. Not only through university studies in Political Science (focusing on security and crisis management) but also through my engagement in extra curricular activities at the National Defense University in Stockholm, for example my positions of trust at the student council. I have a passion for these issues and that is why I strive for a career in this field. The actions of global actors such as governments, organizations and corporations have a huge impact on how our societies shape and develop.
My Personal Mission Statement. It is my mission to live a life of positivity, integrity, compassion and gratitude. To remain committed to my Jewish values and way of life. And to make the world a more meaningful place through developing significant relationships with those around me.