When the anticipated senior year finally begins, a typical student at Laurel High School enjoys a brief honeymoon of peer dominance and the illusion that the finish line is in sight. Then, reality sets in. College and scholarship applications burden an already hefty load of work so that by December, much like poor little Max the dog in Dr. Seuss’s The Grinch, seniors feel they are dragging forty times their weight up a steep, snowy mountain. I saw an opportunity several years ago to take advantage of their misery by assigning a document I knew most would need to write anyway, the dreaded personal essay. It makes perfect sense: it fits the Common Core standards, and they need the help.
In Frank Bruni’s article entitled “Today’s Exhausted Superkids,” he effectively pushes his point, which is students are under a tremendous amount of pressure to succeed and gain a “competitive edge” to the point they are making decisions that can not only damage themselves, but their futures. I hope that after reading Frank Bruni’s article, there will be a more widespread knowledge of the effects of the stress today’s AP students are
When it comes to this semester, things for me are going well. So far in the course, I have been able to get all my homework and reading entirely on time and not rushing things at the last minute. This week nine discussion I thought gave us a chance to showcase what well learned on the aspects of resume building and higher education career development for individuals. A lot of the information of have learned from week nine will assist in my research into the final project for this course. Learning about the news about career counseling in setting in scenes like elementary, high school to higher education’s makes us focus on the individual and what they want their future to look like.
The pain and agony due to the fact that I might not be prepared for college class was on my shoulders. Since day one of highschool, my biggest desire throughout school was to be engaged in learning while being well prepared for the next step in life: college. What class was the answer to this class desired? It was in a meeting with my guidance counselor in eighth grade that struck me and sparked the interest in my heart to do well. All of my highschool career I have never known what it actually meant to do well and be ¨successful.¨
Warrensburg Missouri, being a college town, is full of many opportunities such as joining Greek life, getting internships, and most impotently getting a college degree. Being the first to attend college in my family, I have been self-motivated to attend class’s everyday on a daily bases and even build time into my schedule to study for quizzes and exams. For the past four months, I have been attending the University of Central Missouri (UCM) in Warrensburg. Therefore, I have learned the highs and lows of being a college student at the university. Being a college student at UCM in Warrensburg has many lows.
As I sit in the basement of the Lilly Library, surrounded by friends who have become family in a few short months, covered in calculus and EQ notes, and listening to some Duke Ellington jazz music for my Music 101 class, I can’t help but reflect on what this year has meant to me and my development as a student, athlete, brother, friend, and person. I entered Wabash College not exactly sure what to expect; I knew it was going to be different, but I also knew that with change I wanted to keep an open mind that was ready to learn and grow. Freshman tutorial and especially enduring questions are two classes that have pushed my boundaries as a person, forcing me to question core beliefs and ideas that seemed previously engrained in my mind. Throughout
Rivera. Session1.Journal What made me want to go back to school was that I didn 't have anything else going for me after high school. I had two beautiful children in the process. I couldn 't find a job or anything it was hard on my own.
I recognize that by neglecting UT's resources during the fall semester such as meeting with a counselor, I missed out on opportunities to stay positive, academically and emotionally. I regret that I did not seek the help I needed to overcome the challenges that I faced. To ensure my future success as a Spartan, I have put together a plan to address my academic and emotional needs. I will schedule monthly meetings with my academic advisor to stay on track with graduation, take any necessary actions to achieve and maintain good academic standing, attend weekly 30-minute academic coaching sessions to reinforce lecture notes, and meet with professors during office hours.
There are many different things that can impact students in their high school years. Whether these things are friends, activities, or the sports they participate in they all impact the student. Many opportunities are presented to students in high school, although not many impacts the student beyond high school, I believe this opportunity will impact me forever. I would love to be a part of the Early College Program this coming spring. I believe the program will do nothing but help me grow and strive to be a better student and continue being involved.
Going into my senior year of high school, I was forced to make some fairly large decisions about my future, as were most teens my age. Before making the decision to attend California University of Pennsylvania, I was looking into what career was best for me, and what I wanted to achieve in my educational career. This was a lengthy and difficult process, but in the end, it led me to the path I am traveling today as a student at California University of Pennsylvania. When it came to deciding what I wanted to major in, I was very unsure.
Going forward a liberal arts education will be key for me to attain my goals. Specifically a Hollins liberal arts education. I am interested in pursuing pre-law, creative writing, art, and equine studies. At a typical technical based studies program I would be unable to study and learn what I 'm passionate about. It has been said that if you choose a job you love you will never have to work another day, and I fully intend to live my life with zeal doing what I love and am truly passionate about, and a liberal arts education will help me achieve that.
As a dreamer and queer woman of color, pursuing a career in STEM has been quite challenging. But I have never let anything get in the way of reaching my goals and dreams. I have swam against the current in order to be where I am today, where I have dreamt of being. I am currently a second year student at Trinity Washington University majoring in biochemistry and minoring in mathematics. I am a dedicated student and an analytical and skilled critical thinker who is eager to learn.
My goals have changed a lot over the last couple of years. Bouncing back and forth between majors and deciding if I even want to be taking college classes right now. I kept asking myself why I should struggle with hard classes when I have a good job right now. But then I stopped and repeated “good job right now.” My job as a twenty year old might support me right now but is it going to support me in ten or fifteen years when I’m trying to buy a house and support my family?
Choosing a college major is one of the most important decisions in a person’s life. The effect choosing a college major has on one’s life is much like a small ripple in the middle of a vast ocean. In the students senior year it is a simple seemingly inconsequential click of a button on an online application. But by the time this once meek ripple reaches the shore of the students’ life it has already transformed into a great tidal wave that has influenced their life every step of the way.
Personal Statement Describe several personal and professional goals you would like to achieve in the next five years, including why these goals are important to you. Goals are what keep us motivated to keep going and doing better than the day before. It is our goals that help us to keep pushing forward and be the best version of ourselves everyday. I have many professional and personal goals for myself.