Personal Statement: Personal Interest In The Counseling Field And Career Goals

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Personal Interest in the Counseling Field And Career Goals
The counseling field I am working towards becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), which will give me the opportunity to work with clients that need person- centered therapy. The counseling profession appeals to me, because I am able to provide a comfortable safe space for my clients that will enable them to heal under my care. I understand that there are mental issues that need to be addressed, and there’s value in counseling because it gives people the option to seek positive ways to deal with their problems and concerns. What influenced me to become a counselor is that I went to counseling myself, and realized that professional help brought about growth and …show more content…

al).Not only do these students have a greater risk of developing substance abuse, they also tend to have a struggle with anxiety and depression as well. These issues often reflect a negative impact on their academic success as they obtain lower GPAs. If I were employed as a counselor at a college I would promote prevention and wellness by creating a program to increase the awareness of at risk ADHD students and substance …show more content…

Through life experience, working multiple jobs and life roles I have found that I obtain the skills of being congruent, being empathetic and showing unconditional positive regard. As a summer camp counselor it was important that I was empathetically listening tovbe able to effectively communicate with the campers.. Effective communication only happens when the person who is talking provides a clear message, and the person who is receiving the message is actively listening. The skill to listen is an essential skill needed to communicate with clients. Another skill that I have learned through the passing of my best friend is the skill to be optimistic (or positive). Finding the good in every situation, such as learning a lesson, is a must have skill when clients only see the negative in themselves. Though I experienced grief during the passing of my best friend I was able to find the positive in the negative. I was given a tool called the feeling thinking doing The final skill that I believe has been embedded within me since I was a child is the skill of being compassionate. When you are compassionate and really care about clients it is easy to build personal relationships with them. In order for my client to have productive outcomes the three minimally required core counseling conditions I need to have are congruence, empathy and unconditional positive regard. (inset citation

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