Organizational Behavior And Self-Esteem

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The study of both individuals and groups activity and performance within an organization is called organizational behavior. And Personality is one of the concept of organizational behavior. Personality is defined as “ The sum of ways in an individual reacts to and interacts with others. It is most often described in terms of measurable traits that a person exhibits.” (Robbins, 2007)
To understand the concept of OB and personality more enhanced and deeply, I personally carried out the following tests:
 Locus of control
 Organizational based self esteem
 Self monitoring
 Big five personality traits

“A locus of control orientation is a belief about whether the outcomes of our actions are contingent on …show more content…

The research on self-esteem (SE) suggests interesting insight into Organization Behavior. Self-esteem is in array to expectations of success. An individual having high esteems have faith with the aptitude to succeed at work. Populace with high self-esteem will take more risks in job assortment and are more likely to choose eccentric occupations than those people with low self-esteem. Likewise, high self-esteems tend to underscore the confirmatory when met with disappointment. The generalized finding of self-esteem is that low self-esteems are more easily inclined to external dynamics. Low self-esteem is reliant on the acknowledgment of positive appraisals from others. The offshoots are that they are probably having more high self-esteems to ask for consent from others and more suscepttical to follow to the beliefs and behaviors of others. At high echelon, low self-esteems are concerned with satisfying others and take unpopular actions’ than those of high self-esteems. Interestingly, high self-esteem has also been related to job satisfaction. In this test I fall in the characteristics of high self esteem with the score …show more content…

The aim behind this type was to make individuals and groups aware of the differences in their lives. To understand these differences and make their lives useful. MBTI lie its bases upon Carl Jungs work that humans are basically different and alike. They have combinations for EXTRAVERSION/ INTROVERSION, PERCEPTION/ JUDGEMENT, SENSING/ INTUITING, THINKING/ FEELING. The test I conducted for MBTI showed that I fall in the category of ESFP i.e. Extraverted(19%) Sensing(3%) Feeling(34%) Perceiving(9%). Such sort of people are fun loving, spontaneous, entertaining and impulsive in nature. They love to talk to people, are attracted by new ideas, fashion etc. They are friendly and adaptable to changes, they bring practical approach to work. Their flexible nature leads them to adjust easily in new

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