Dream Vacation

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If you are looking for a goregous place to vacation Giresun, Turkey, is your dream destination with its amazingly beautiful location, firendly peopl, and endless shopping options. Giresun has many desirable aspects. It is seaside with gorgeous views, there are many people to chat with and keep you compnay, and ou could spend all day just shopping the many store fronts they have. Giresun is truly a spectacular vactojn swpot because of the many things it has to offer. Giresun in itself is an amazing place. The location, accomadtion, and food make this destination an absolute pleasure. Sea-side is where uyoull fid uyourself in this amazing location overlooking the blue green wavy waters of the Black Sea. On the edge of the silent village …show more content…

the options are endless. Instead of only chain stores to choose from you may choose frm an array of shopping places. Gazi Caddesi ( Gah-zey Jah-deh-se),Famrers markets and bizarres are all within a short distance to fufill your shopping desires. Gaze Caddesi is a group of streets, filled with people, where no cars travel on taht has nothing but store fronts. you can buy jewwelry, home goods,pets, toys, clothes, and food all within a two mile radius. Eah and every storefront has an intirguing window display with ligts and bright signs that opull you in. Everywhere uyou turn there will be an item that you will fall in love with. Gazi Caddesi is knwon for the smell of roating chestnuts, while walking and shopping the smell takes over and you can visualize the dark brown shell of the chestnut cracking open to reveaql the caramel colored roasted nut inside. If Gazi Caddesi isnt enough, you can visit the bazaars int own. They offer a wide variety of homemade items such as balnkets, shirts, blouses, towels, and much more. You can visually see the hardwrok put into the homemade items by the less than perfect stiches that are crookedly, buyt strategically placed around the edges. As you pay for your items take note of the overtired, callused hand that reaches out for your opayment. Even though tiring effort was put into these items, more than likely you will get them at a very dicscounted price. Farmers markets also

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