Persuasive Essay Homework

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Most people believe that homework is a waste of time that just stresses students because it is boring, but not everything in life has to be fun and perfect. It is not good to think that homework is a punishment because they help to improve new things or spend less time on technology like television, computer, internet, social networks, etc (see fig. 1). This kind of work that is given to a pupil is a collection of school work, which has to be done at home to help generate learning autonomy. All people who study at schools, colleges or universities, are required to do this assignment. Failure to comply with these obligations is regarded as a lack of accountability. Homework helps students instead of harming them because it clarifies what they have seen in class, helps them to practice what they learn in school, and helps students prepare for tests or quizzes (Pilgrim). These reasons are very important in a student’s life, and usually the support of their families and teachers help them to improve their thoughts about school stuff. Homework is an important way for teachers to develop relationships with their students ' parents and other caregivers. Fig. 1. Percentage of the use of online activities among children (Christine A. Portier).

Homework clarifies what students have seen in class. Many people do not understand a new subject matter that is given in school for the first time in. Because of that, teachers give students work at home to help reinforce what they did not

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