How To Write An Essay About Getaways

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Individuals and families quite commonly plan to escape their everyday surroundings and routines at least once every couple of years. They await the chance to slip into an existence where reality is suddenly suspended―even if just for a little while. The University of California Small Farm Program’s Desmond Jolly (2012) reports, “The vast majority of adults say that a vacation is vital to their family 's physical and mental wellbeing” (p. 3). Thus, such trips contribute to factors like improved overall health and necessary rest. When considering the perfect getaway, one usually ponders aspects such as activities, travel time, budget, climate, amenities, food, and setting. Most likely, people attempt to vacation somewhere new, somewhere that affords exposure to a different social scene, pace, cuisine, and even culture. Luxury beach resorts are a popular choice for those looking to relax, and these types of facilities boast a wide range of amenities, such as restaurants, room service, complimentary beach chairs, poolside bars, massage spas, and more. Honestly, a holiday like this requires minimal effort for the traveler. While certainly appealing in some respects, vacationers miss out on many valuable, peaceful, and illuminating moments when they select a dreamlike sort of experience that caters to their every need; indeed, a backpack camping trip makes for the ideal getaway, as it provides opportunity for resourcefulness, reflection, and personal growth.
On a luxurious beach

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