Strict regulations and limitations have been pursued already and clearly do not suffice. Statics brought to attention by gun control opponents, show that gun control laws have done little to reduce crime rates. Several restrictions have been made on certain guns, considered as overly dangerous, though in the hands of an unstable criminal even a legal hunting gun can be deadly. Countless restrictions have been made, however people have still found ways around them. If people are unstable and determined enough, they will find a gun, regardless of the restrictions or regulations.
The debate on gun control is a hot topic in Washington today. Democrats fight for more restrictive measures while Republicans feel that citizens of this country have a right to bear arms. After all mass shootings, Democrats usually are vociferous in demanding that there should be more gun restrictions, and the Republicans just deny that the problem is with the guns and make ludicrous excuses. These excuses usually are very persuading, but aren’t factual whatsoever.
Many start to wonder and often question if now is the time for stricter gun control laws in the United States. Some
Gun control is a topic that has been debated over the last few years. It is a subject that many people stand for and against the change in policy. Basically gun control would change the way firearms are regulated, by changing laws or polices that control how they are made, sold, owned, and used by civilians. However by trying to take away firearms from civilians would be infringing upon their rights as United States citizens. There are many ethical reasons why gun control should not be implemented towards law-abiding citizens such as it is hypocritical, neglects the reality of control, and is discriminating against gun owners.
Gun control has been a controversial issue for many years. Many citizens believe that if gun control is strictly enforced it would reduce the threat of crime. People have the right to bear arms for protection, or even just the pleasure of hunting and recreational activity. With the recent events involving firearms and mass shootings, people are skeptical whether to increase or decrease gun laws. Americans have a constitutional right to own handguns and stricter laws and licensing will not effectively save lives.
Proponents of more gun control laws believe that the Second Amendment was intended exclusively for militias, that gun restrictions have always existed, and that gun regulations would prevent criminals from possessing firearms. However, Opponents claim that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to own guns, that guns are needed for self-defense, and that gun ownership helps to dissuade crime. Because of this obvious difference, proponents of stricter firearm regulation demand more laws to help prevent mass shooting, and want reform in the area of background checks. Meanwhile, opponents of gun laws often accuse the proponents of manipulating a mass tragedy in order to further strengthen their fight. Gun ownership has been a tradition within the united states since before the country itself was formed.
Gun control in the United States has always been a controversial and “trending topic”. The thoughts on it are always in the eye of the beholder and many doubt we will ever come to an agreement. Some will always say that we as a nation need to lessen the restrictions on gun control and allow the citizens to “fully use their second amendment right”. While others will say we need even stricter gun control laws and make it so only government officials can use and carry weapons in the United States. Though I believe gun control rules are a necessity, there are pros and cons to each side and its effect on the criminal justice system.
One of the most controversial issues our nation faces today is gun control laws. This controversy has been created due to the different interpretations of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution which states the right of citizens to bear arms; “a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” (Cornell Law School). Anti-gun control laws believe that the amendment guarantees the right to bear any kind of firearms. On the other hand, we have does that believe that more controls laws should be implemented since the 2nd amendment was for the right of States to have an armed militia during wartime. Both sides have strong point, however, the safety of our children comes first, and a firearm means death in the wrong hands.
Gun control is what restricts people from buying and using guns, but these laws are not strengthened at the extent they need to be strengthened. This leads to many people getting these guns and using them to cause mass shootings all over the U.S. For example, according to the Council on Foreign Relationship, a news article that covers major world issues, in 2017, mass shootings at a music festival in Las Vegas and at a church near San Antonio have rekindled the gun control debate (“U.S. Gun Policy: Global Comparisons”). The fact that gun control is still not tightened is a huge margin and error, and still causes mass shootings as we just covered. Many people have said that we should not allow guns to be purchased, which would seem like the logical option. However, according to the same source, Council on Foreign Relationship, some states, such as Idaho, Alaska, and Kansas, have passed various laws attempting to nullify
Gun control problems Nowadays, we can hear the crimes related to guns from time to time, and each of them is scarified and influential. For example, the accident happened in Sandy Hook Elementary School leads to 20 deaths for primacy school students and 6 deaths for staffs. It is hard to imagine what degree of sadness in their family may suffer. In this way, many people think the government should have stronger gun control regulations.
Imagine a grandma who lives out in the country with no means of protection and a burglar barges through the door. She cannot call the police because they are at least thirty minutes away and the criminal would already be gone by the time they showed up. On the other hand, there has been mass shootings with semi automatic weapons that have caused several casualties. These are two extremes that are very plausible outcomes when the topic of gun control comes about. How is the United States suppose to make laws where neither of these situations happen?
Gun Control Gun control over the years has been a controversial subject, with people arguing for both sides. The 2nd amendment states that everyone in the U.S. has a right to bear arms. Mass shootings and suicides by firearm have been a growing concern for many people living in the U.S. Numerous people making the argument that there should be more gun control. Having gun control would help lessen the deaths by firearms in the country for a variety of reasons.
Shooting’s have been a part of our history for a long time now and something should have been done about it long before now. Gun Control has been a heated topic for a long time and not much has been done about it. There was talk, for a while, about making significant changes about gun violence and laws against it, stronger background checks and banning military weapons, but nothing has changed. And nothing is going to change if we don’t do anything about it. There have been rallies, there have been walkouts, there have been so many issues and tragedies that relate to gun violence.
Within each of these issues there are those who want more gun control legislation and those who want less. More people are pushing to have more strict laws to protect us. but around every corner is a conflict or a situation that arise on the matter of how safe we really are if we had these rules and laws congress are trying to pass. Guns are not for everyone. Certain individuals cannot handle a firearm safely, and some individuals choose to use firearms inappropriately.
Gun Control Gun control has become a polarizing and controversial issue around the globe. There have been many reported issues of mass shootings both in schools and in the public, making it a hot button issue. Proponents argue that, if the government strictly controls the ownership of guns, such tragedies can be prevented. Most Americans have an obsession with guns because the law allows them to do so. Therefore, they are always ready to scoff at anyone trying to control gun ownership.