Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Will states legalize marijuana for recreational use? Government officials could look at what is happening in Colorado and Washington and get good background information. Is marijuana harmful? How did money play a part in legalizing medical and recreational marijuana? Twenty four states have legalized medical marijuana but only two states, Colorado and Washington, have legalized recreational marijuana. Marijuana has infiltrated the schools. With all the marijuana being sold in Colorado, forty-four percent of it is being used out-of-state. The current cost for marijuana in Colorado, two hundred and twenty dollars per ounce, with the estimated demand is 130 metric ton a year. An old myth states that over dosing is impossible. Many people say that …show more content…

Seizures are four times more likely in marijuana users and two people have died from overdose. When compared to adults, teenagers are twice as likely to get addicted. Marijuana is now being sold in food, making it more accessible to younger people. According to the Journal of Neuroscience, high amounts of marijuana the higher one anxiety levels get. In marijuana, the THC is what gives one the “high” and that “high” leads to mental impairment. The addiction risk is now 1 in 6 with adolescent users. Long-term users others end up with chronic bronchitis, emphysema and slower brain development. Goldenberg 2 In Colorado, an estimated demand for marijuana may be up to 130 million tons per year. Selling drugs make lots of money. The daily sale average now is at 1,000,000 dollars per day. Numbers predict full year sales will be at 600 million dollars. By 2018 the estimated market will be at 10.2 billion dollars. The advertisements for marijuana attract Most of the money pushing marijuana come from billionaires. Men like Peter Lewis and George Soros put in sixty-seven percent of the money to push the