Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Over half of the United States has allowed medical marijuana to be legalized. While even more states continue to fight for The legalization. Something must be working for all of these states to want marijuana. health benefits of marijuana far outweigh the risks. Medical marijuana should be legalized because medical marijuana can help fight pain. Furthermore, marijuana is not as harmful as legal pharmaceuticals yet marijuana remains illegal. Studies show that marijuana has little withdrawal symptoms. Marijuana should at least be available as an option for those suffering from illness. Unlike other pharmaceuticals used to treat pain, marijuana does not come with severe withdrawals. "Most people don't get severe withdrawal symptoms when they stop marijuana suddenly," The most common symptoms experienced are irritability, or having difficulty sleeping in …show more content…

Such as, HIV, Cancer, depression, PTSD, anorexia, crohn's disease, and epilepsy. In cancer patients, marijuana can help ease the side effects of chemotherapy and also in certain studies it has been proven in a lab that THC can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Sure, marijuana can be called a gateway drug all day. But if one wants to get technical, couldn’t soda be called a gateway to alcohol? Furthermore, couldn’t alcohol be a gateway to other drugs? While the government has put programs in place to support their agenda that marijuana is the “devil” and a gateway drug to harder drugs, studies show otherwise. The DARE program put into place to show the dangers of drugs to kids has failed. The number of kids that have tried drugs remained steady even after the government funneled so much government money into the program. The government needs something in order to make their money back, so they make arrests by the thousands. A large proportion of the African American population was targeted despite similar usage rate among