Persuasive Essay On Neurosurgeon

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Everyone has expectations of what their life will consist of in the future. Your career will determine a big part of your life, and the way you will live. That is one of the many reasons why people find that choosing your career is very intimidating. Choosing a career is a hard task, for everyone, but it is very important. You must consider your passion, skills and how you want your future to play out. Many people don 't decide until grade 12, or even further on, but at one point or another, it must be done. Have you ever wanted to save people by cutting them open? That is what a neurosurgeon does every day. Neurosurgery requires many skills and assets to complete a procedure, one mistake can kill someone. Pursuing a career as a neurosurgeon is very difficult, it takes many years of training and hard work. Neurosurgeons save lives every day, they are challenged to help worried families and to execute risky procedures to perfection. Not all surgeries go as planned, so neurosurgeons must have, commiseration, patience and must be very vigilant. They need a post-secondary education, that can take up to 16 years to complete, and must have a good knowledge of human anatomy. This job has many problematic situations, but there are many advantages to pursuing this career.
The everyday life of neurosurgeons consists of saving people, performing surgery and long hours of hard work. Neurosurgeons, examine, diagnose and surgically treat disorders of the nervous system. They perform

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