Standardized Testing Argumentative Essay

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Standardized Tests Are Setting Students Up to Fail in Life
Picture this: it’s 8:00 AM and you’re pulling into your school parking lot, running on little to no sleep and no breakfast, and now you have to take the dreadful 4 hour long ACT. This one test can hinder a students’ opportunity to graduate high school, or even ruin their chances of getting into their dream college. Why should such a meaningless test have such a big impact on children’s lives across the nation? The “standards” of these tests are unfair and can most definitely be questioned by the Rotary 4-Way Test. Standardized tests are not truthful, they are not fair to all that are concerned, they do not build goodwill and better friendships, and are most definitely not beneficial to all concerned. So, if these tests have a very small amount of benefits for children, why do schools continue to place so much emphasis on them?
Is standardized testing the truth? No, in no way is standardized testing truthful. It sets false standards and leaves no hope for success and accomplishment. Students are set up for failure when they are given tests in time pressured situations over content they have never learned before or haven’t learned in years. Many students put so much stress on how well they perform on the SAT, but is this little 4-digit number really that crucial for colleges to consider? The value that is put on the score of the SAT is not the truth, as it tests how well you can execute in such a short amount of time

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