Cause And Effect Essay On Underage Smoking

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My group has decided to do under age, smoking, underage smoking because smoking impact our families in some way. My grandpa started smoking when he was younger. Skyler and Austin’s grandpa started smoking when he was 13. Joel’s mom smokes and Joel’s grandma 10 years. Max’s mother smoked for 20 years. The reason we all chose this topic is because we are all connected to smoking. Tobacco is a leading cause of preventable death in the world. Because tobacco being used is 4 out of 5 reasons for the leading causes of death such as heart, disease, cancer, lung disease, and stroke. It causes about a third of heart disease, cancer, and most emphysema. Nearly 90% of adult smokers started smoking when they were 18 or younger. Most of the prevention …show more content…

Although cigarettes don’t break down naturally, they can gradually decompose depending on environmental conditions like the rain and sun. Estimates on the time it takes varies, but a recent study found that a cigarette butt was only about 38 percent decomposed after two years.Cigarettes contain more than 7,000 chemicals, such as arsenic (used to kill rats) and formaldehyde (used to preserve dead animals, and humans, too). Littered cigarette butts leach toxic chemicals into the environment and can contaminate …show more content…

It is important for parents to educate themselves on underage smoking and how it affects their children. Statistics are solid proof that smoking is very dangerous and can have long term health consequences. Parents can help their children avoid smoking just by not letting them do it in the first place and not smoking around them. They could also watch who they hang around and what they do when they are with their friends. Things we could do to try to cut down on underage smoking are make some posters about not smoking. We could also have pep sessions about it, and if you already smoke we could have after school sessions with people and some things that can try to help you stop smoking. We’ll have the teachers go through a 10 step understanding of under age

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