Many arguments about changing the school calendar are for year round school. Readers are only gaining knowledge on the one sided benefits of the year round schedule. The year round calendar consists of school days throughout the whole year. Normally, the year round schedule goes forty-five days to school then fifteen days on vacation. Another common track is sixty on twenty off (“Year-Round Education Program Guide.”)
Year-round schooling can cause students to become more stressed out versus traditional schooling. As we have seen the different pros and cons, I would like to firmly state that public year-round schooling shouldn’t be implemented in our education system. I do not believe in it for our current generation or any future ones. Many students do not need the strict structure of year-round schooling, as they are becoming increasingly smarter. Year-round schooling, like many other ideas, has its pros and cons but can be steadily confirmed as ineffective.
Year-round school have increased performance rates considering not having a long break when many students lose much information. Students tend to retain more information without the long summer break. Year-round school further reduce teacher and student burnout. Frequent break can help students recover from the mental and physical demands of school. Students are put through many demands of school such a break would help students recover from
Do you know what a “year round school” is? Did you know that this is a debate that has been going for years? Most public schools in the US have a 10-month long school period with a 2-month long summer break. An year round school is a 180 day school year with short breaks in between each term. Year round schooling has been going on in most arguments about whether it is going to improve student learning.
According to, two million children are attending year-round schools. Would the United States fully adopting a year-round schedule benefit the school systems? Switching to a year-round school schedule is highly debated in the United States. Some states and counties have adopted the year-round school schedule in hopes to “avoid the dreaded ‘brain drain’ that students experience during summer vacation”, increasing test scores, and all-around student wellness (Chen 2). Most students would not like a year-round schedule because students already do not like a traditional ten month schedule.
The school 's state or district selects the number of school days the school needs to serve. Instead of a summer break of 2-4 months, it is stretched out over the school year. To have this, they have breaks in between the weeks of school, and, depending on the school, you get weekends off. This helps the student take a break from 5-9 weeks of school, and stretch out the amount of days they need to serve for school. " Research Spotlight on Year-Round Education.
What’s not to love? Well, if the year round school people get their way, these kids would be really upset. Year round schooling is becoming more and more common in USA. Although many schools still have the traditional summer break, many school are converting to year round schooling. From being unable to find appropriate child care, to a detriment to family structure, and a financial toll.
And the problem with year-round schools may be that they don 't actually add more school days to the 180 typically required, von Hippel said. Instead of a three-month summer vacation, year-round schools typically have several breaks of three to four weeks spread throughout the year. So year-round schooling don’t add more days to 180 so you don’t learn more. While some may argue that you lose time to learn over the summer because over summer break, students lose, on average, one month of grade level. It is more true that if you go to year-round schooling you won’t learn more than traditional schooling.
Let me explain. If students got a two week break every six weeks they would have to relearn the material they learned two weeks before redoing the same work. In the passage “ Districts That School Year-Round” it reads, “Simply giving our children more of the same instruction, [work] or at different times of the year, has not been the answer to educational woes,”. Some people feel that kids will remember most or all of the material from the two weeks before. However, some or most kids will probably not remember all of the instructions they learned from the last two weeks so teachers will have to assign similar work.
There shouldn’t be year-round school because it would be hard to find babysitters for younger children for two weeks every six weeks for teachers with young students, and teens would find it hard to get summer jobs. Sure, it offers students frequent breaks, but there still shouldn’t be year round school because of certain predicaments for students and teachers alike. First of all, there shouldn’t be year round school because of teachers constantly having to get babysitters if they
Attending school on a year-round calendar or a traditional calendar is a huge debate in the school districts across the United States. It is mainly about which calendar is best for the students’ academics. Everyone is talking about whether to keep the traditional school calendar or switch to year-round school. Year-round schooling is moving away from the traditional three semesters with a long summer break to shorter semesters with more, but shorter holidays. Since this is an ongoing debate, there are both pros and cons of having a change happen.
(Weller 3). This is a problem because it takes away quality family time from students, which is essential for their well-being. Thirdly, a second benefit is that the year-round schooling system helps solve the problem of overcrowding. (Zubrzycki 1). Since all students wouldn 't be in school all at the same time, it eliminates the overcrowding problem.
Implementing Four-Day School Weeks A student spends approximately six hours per day at school, customarily five days per week, not including any sort of extracurricular activities. Students frequently complain about having to go to school for so much time, and not getting much time off. Others could argue that six hours a day and five days a week is necessary to learn all one needs to learn in a school week, this is not necessarily true. However, a school should compensate for lost time by adding time to the end of another day that week if they found this to be an issue.
Should Schools Keep Summer Break? I believe that schools should keep summer break for their kids. There are many ways, having a summer break contributes to schools and the community. It is an American tradition to get out of school for the hot summer months.
Although, year round students will on average attend about nine more days of school per year than students on a traditional calendar (Zubrzycki). Even though year round schools are rising in popularity in most places, they aren’t everywhere. An example of a place they are decreasing in popularity is in the Los Angeles school district (Zubrzycki). All of their schools were changed to a year round school schedule starting in the mid 1980s (Zubrzycki). Today only one school still remains on the year round schedule because it was less effective for learning and hard on students