Persuasive Speech On Animals

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Animals, creatures created by God. From 5,416 different species of mammals to 9,500 different reptile species it 's amazing. Wow, I love how God is remarkably creative. God has created all these animals, put us in charge and said it was good. But how about now? There are numerous species dying and going extinct every year. And not only that. There are forests burning, oceans clogging, pollution flying, and basically, our ecosystems are destroyed.

Is this what God intended for animals when he put humankind in charge?? I am personally disappointed in humankind for making what God called good into something catastrophic.

Today, we are going to talk about what 's going on around these endangered and extinct species. First, we will look at the problem, then we 'll move on to what we can do about the problem, and finally, we 'll discuss why we have a moral obligation to do something, based on what the Bible says about this.

(Point 1) Number One, The Problem. Well, you see, thanks to humans, animals are now dying out at an alarming rate. Approximately 0.01 - 0.1 % of all species go extinct every year. According to the UN Environment Programme, that would be estimated around 150 - 200 plants, insects, birds, and mammals, a day. Not to mention nearly 20,000 plants and animals that are at risk of extinction.

Therefore, the continuation of global warming, deforestation, polluting, overfishing and other forms of endangerment to animals may lead to a mass extinction of some

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