Persuasive Speech On Job Interview

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someone who doesn’t even have the job yet. A better answer might be that for the same reason you joined the Navy you’re motivated to tackle challenges and overcome them, that you draw deep satisfaction from doing every job well. A second reply might be that you like new challenges. The better you do on current projects, the more likely you will be given new opportunities to learn new skills. • Have you ever been fired from a job? If so, why? Be honest. It’s difficult to hide one’s work history for long, and doing so will always come back to bite you. Remember that being laid off or a force reduction doesn’t necessarily reflect poorly upon you. Between downsizing, outsourcing, and new technologies, lots of good military people are being allowed …show more content…

There are basic themes and experiences central to all, of course, but the details vary in every situation. The one thing common to them all is you, though even you are changing and adapting as needed. No one has yet concocted an absolute, foolproof guide to conducting the perfect job interview. What follows is my checklist of things to do and think about before, during and after an interview. Follow them. Add to the list. It will serve you well: • Strive to be the last interview for an open position. This can be tricky. But if you know a company is interviewing several candidates, it’s better to be interviewed later than sooner. You will be fresher in mind when the hiring decision is made. How do you do this? If they say they are interviewing Wednesday and Thursday, ask for Thursday afternoon. • Do your homework before the interview. Know what questions are likely to be asked and what your answers will be. Have questions of your own. Research the company and be able to discuss its product mix and goals. • Look and behave with respect, seriousness and a positive attitude. • Listen more than you speak, but stay engaged in the conversation. • Take notes, if possible. It’s a good way to remember names and details for later correspondence and

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