Violence doesn´t help, because school uniforms would have to constantly be replaced if they were torn apart due to students having fights. The schools probably believe that enforcing uniforms would be safe for the students, but in reality it just makes it worse like an increase in inappropriate assault, etc. The third reason school uniforms shouldn´t be enforced in schools is due to students´ lack of expression, and increase in bullying, and imposing a fee is Families with low-income families have to deal with meeting school-related costs like uniforms, even though their kids attend free-tuition schools (¨School Uniforms¨). Schools shouldn´t have uniforms costing around hundreds of dollars if families don´t have the right amount of money to pay for the uniforms. If schools give free-tuition's then they shouldn´t impose an expense on uniforms, they have to stay true to their words and not take advantage of that.
Sheyenne should not require students to wear a school uniform. School uniforms should not be required because they restrict the ability to express yourself, the cost of uniforms, and less creativity in schools. That is why schools uniforms should not be required in Sheyenne. School uniforms restrict the ability to express your personality. If we have school uniforms we won 't be able to express ourselves through what we wear.
C. Studies have shown that having a school dress code can reduce the frequency of behaviors that are conveyed through clothing by things like violence or promiscuity. Transition: Equally important is my second point. II. Main Point 2. Many people that are opposed to uniforms say that dress codes do not allow students to expression themselves which is untrue.
The implication of school uniforms has many benefits that outweigh the negatives substantially. The first way in which this policy will help is that school uniforms discipline, redirect attention, and reduce overall violence between students. For example, in the Long Beach Unified School District in Long Beach California there was a school uniform policy put into place and the results were tremendous. The gang related violence had dissipated as well as the disciplinary actions taking place, and grades have gone up. All of these changes happened in substantial amounts.
School uniforms should be enforced in school districts throughout the country. The definition of school uniforms is standardized clothing for regular school attendance worn in conformity with school policy. There are strong points and facts that can be made why school uniforms should be worn by students. School uniforms can reduce violence and crime within the school setting. My next point will be school uniforms help students believe they belong and do not feel the need to dress a certain way to fit in.
It may decrease the amount of bullies, yet it makes you a target for bullies outside of the school. It also encourages discipline, yet not from the child's parent. After people read others opinions they usually vacillate, this is because they come to a epiphany of how many cons it brings to their children and themselves. Parents usually pick schools in hierarchy and those schools often require uniforms. Some people may wish to dress bourgeois but not all schools are immaculate.
Having a dress code helps students resist peer pressure. “Principals of schools that have uniforms policies in place believe that students stay more disciplined and focused in their studies and feel less peer pressure.” (NAESP). It helps to prevent bullying because lots of kids get bullied by what they wear or what kind of shoes they have. When some students get bullied by what they wear they get peer pressured into wearing stuff and doing stuff there not comfortable with.
And it does not raise test scores which leads me to my next reason why we should not wear uniforms. My second reason is that is does not stop bullying kids get bullied over what they are clothes people think that it will help but it wont. Everyone will be wearing the same clothes but if we wear uniforms kids from other schools would bully them from there. It does not help test scores and does not help grades.
Often, students who suffer from bullying are self-conscious, and it is very difficult to express their ideas for fear of being rejected and being abused. The use of uniform creates equality between students and these in turn create security strengthening freedom of expression. When my children changed school and went to study in one uniform requiring our students, I felt like I 'd won the lottery. You know what that means saving time and discussions in the morning to choose clothes for children? In my opinion, the uniform not only helps us save time and also represents a cost savings.
Envision waking up every morning to put on the same outfit and walk out the door, stress free. People would not have to worry about what fits, or what is fashionable at the time. Schools would not have to worry about inappropriate clothing but at the same time, that clothing may be a way for a student to express himself. Many schools view uniforms as a solution to several problems, but many schools view uniforms as a lack of self expression. School uniforms should continue, even though children may not get to express themselves, because they prohibit violence, provide cheaper lifestyles, and promote better education.
School Uniforms “A policeman in plain clothes is a man; in his uniform he is ten. Clothes and title are the most potent thing, the most formidable influence, in the earth. They move the human race to willing and spontaneous respect for the judge, the general, the admiral, the bishop, the ambassador, the frivolous earl, the sultan, the king, the emperor. No great title is efficient without clothes to support it.” A student without a uniform is a not a learner.
Many schools have school uniforms for reasons such as showing school spirit, safety, and to reduce bullying. Yes, they can help, but they can also have a very different effect on students. It restricts them being able to express themselves. Another
So based on my research that I get from the internet by “, A study on the effect of uniforms on violence and substance use published in 1998 by David L. Brunsma and Kerry A. Rockquemore has found that a uniforms policy actually does not seem to have any positive influence on discipline. While discipline is usually one of the main reasons behind a school 's decision to implement a uniforms policy, this same policy could actually have a negative impact on student behavior, especially amongst teenage students. Teenagers are rebellious by nature, and imposing a uniform on them, especially after a period where they were allowed to wear casual clothes, may create tension in the school.” The students are able to participate in the discussion if they are comfortable on what they wear and to the people around them because they have the freedom to speak up. Confidence is a huge impact in our daily life specially to the teenager like us, wearing uniform is different in individual some may look good and some may not, other teachers will criticize you like for example you may be good in wearing uniform but when it comes to academic performance you’re not participative because you might think that wearing uniform is cool and it will make your academic performance be going up but then you’re because some student who don’t wear their uniform are having a good academic performance because of the comfortable that they get.
This shows uniforms can remove distractions from what students wear. School uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying. When all students are dressed alike, competition between students over clothing choices and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive or less fashionable outfits can be eliminated. Research by the Schoolwear Association found that 83% of teachers
School uniforms are the ones that are used and worn by students for schools or educational institutions. These types of clothes are found generally in primary and secondary schools in many countries all over the world. Uniforms can be either simple in requirements or restricting such as using specific color choices or limiting the items and objects students are allowed to wear. For dress codes, they are less restrictive and they focus on promoting the concept of modesty and discouraging the anti-social fashion trends and statements. However, there are some groups that are with promoting students to wear school uniforms and some that are against.