Persuasive Speech On Sexual Education

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Introduction: I. Where do babies come from? When I was a little girl, my sister led me to believe that babies came to be when two people kissed. For a girl of 8 years old, that was an innocent yet curt answer however, it didn’t excuse the fact that I had to avoid welcoming my father home for about two weeks. II. Most of us in this room were raised in a sexual time period without any guidance which has led us to be very confused about topics that are often considered taboo. The most important of which is sexually transmitted infections, also known as STIs. Besides the horrible picture that they plagued us with when they crammed 40 pubescent kids for a quick STI seminar in high school, what do we really know about them? III. STIs are caused …show more content…

Even after attending a few seminars on Health and Body positivity in university and listening to professional sexual educators online, I realized that I became informed enough to make the right decision, however many of my friends were clueless and some were even exposed to dangerous health issues due to ignorance. V. Today, I’m here to bring to your attention the problems of sexually transmitted infections and diseases, and to persuade you that of the two solutions presented, comprehensive sexual education is more effective than abstinence only sexual …show more content…

It had many helpful effects in teaching responsibility in sexuality for youths, and this is backed up by a study conducted by Douglas Kirby a leading expert on the effectiveness of school programs, which showed that comprehensive programs had many positive effects on reducing the behavior that puts youth at risk of STIs, including delayed or reduced sexual activity, increased the use of condoms and contraceptives and decreased the number of partners. 3. In addition, it has been attributed to a decrease in teen pregnancy which is shown in a study comparing Comprehensive and Abstinence only sex education done by SEICUS, they found that Comprehensive programs had a 50% lower risk of teen pregnancy in the United States. 4. Lastly and most importantly, the decrease in the number of STI cases in the US has been credited to Comprehensive Education programs. Task Force Findings of The Community Guide reported an approximate decrease of 31% in STI spread amongst adolescences, and this study was backed up by Advocates for Youth that found out of 23 comprehensive sex education programs that stressed on contraception and safe sex, 13 had statistical decrease in HIV and other STIs infections.

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