Essay On Semiotic And Phenomenology

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Semiotic can be regarded as what is in, and happening in, the mise en scène as signs. It works as a ‘production of ideologies’ (Shepherd and Wallis, 2004, p.237) and signs are able to express the presence of embedded meaning. Phenomenology deals with the conditions of formation, ‘offering the means to resist the anti-theatricality of post structuralism’ (Shepherd and Wallis, 2004, p.237). In general, semiotics and phenomenology are considered as “tools” or “dramaturgical strategies” for performance-makers due to the pedagogically framed way. However, in my light view, performance-makers tend to “do their things”, rooted in the process of the performance. The approaches to understand performance with semiotic or phenomenology theories …show more content…

With an audience-oriented methodology, his works are all dramatic and exaggerated but thought provoking. By analysing his Come and go, we figured out that Beckett’s purpose is to explore the circumstance of the two faces in the contemporary era. We examined to make a striking contrast to expose the dark side of society. Based on this inspiration, we thought about a story about friendship and love because people’s hypocritical side always reflect in …show more content…

Because of the no spoken dialogues, audiences realised the whole story until the ending part. The last section mirrored with the beginning part, which two girls walked into each other, exchanging the masks and taking on. In the end, they danced and took off the masks, leaving Breeze standing in the stage with three masks. Different with turning and going away in the beginning, they just passed and kept their face visible to the audiences, indicating that every day will back to the beginning but not same with the beginning. It is a powerful narrative structure, “understood” by audiences with semiotic and

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