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This chapter provides the methodology used, divided into four main parts, which consists of research design, research site and participants, data collection procedure, and the data analyses. A brief explanation about the operational definition, regarding this research, is also included.

3.1 Research Problem
This study was intended to identify the effects of types of motivation (intrinsic or extrinsic) towards their motivation for learning English in 7th and 8th grade students at one of the private secondary schools in Bandung. Moreover, it aimed at analyzing the students’ perception towards the after-school programs or activities they attend, participate, or do on their reasons for learning English. Therefore, this study is guided by the …show more content…

Phenomenology as a research design is also known as an educational qualitative research design (Ponce, 2014; Creswell, 2013; Marshall & Rossman, 2010; in Padilla-Díaz, 2015). A phenomenological research is a strategy of inquiry in which researchers identify the essence of human experiences about a phenomenon, as described by participants (Creswell, 2009) and is basically concerned with social aspects and developing explanations of social phenomena, including understanding the world in which people live, besides seeking why things are the way they are (Groenewald, 2004). In line with this, Joubish (2011) emphasized that it deals with phenomena that are difficult or even impossible to quantify mathematically, such as beliefs, meanings, attributes, and …show more content…

Besides English subject, several other languages are also taught as compulsory subjects. They are Bahasa Indonesia (as the national language used), Bahasa Sunda (as the determined local language to be learnt), and Bahasa Jepang (Japanese, as another compulsory subject of foreign language). Arabic is also taught as compulsory subject likely for Muslim students. However, the name of the subject is BTAQ (Baca Tulis Al Quran – Reading Writing Al Quran) instead of Arabic. It can be said that three foreign languages are taught as compulsory subjects at the school. However, it can be inferred that English is the main foreign language to be learnt because time allocation provided for English subject is longer than the subject of Japanese and BTAQ.
The participants in this research study were coming from the 7th and 8th grade students. Students from the 9th grade were not allowed to be involved in this research. It was based on the information stated, both directly and indirectly, by the vice principal, other English teachers, and several class teachers that students from the 9th grade are not allowed to be involved in any research activities because, as the researcher was informed, they are supposed to be focus and to prepare themselves to do the UN (Ujian Nasional – national exam). More explanation about

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