Plant Tropism In Plant

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Auxin the is the primary growth hormone that is also known as Indoleacetic acid ( IAA). It promotes primary growth in plants by promoting cell elongation through inducing the rate of cell division, and by doing so increasers apical dominance. Apical Dominance which means the apex of the plant is dominant over the other parts of the plant, therefore majority of the growth is in the tip of the plant.

The concentration of Auxin in the plant is dependant of the response to directional stimuli. The concentration of auxin in different parts of the plant cause different reactions. In shoots, when auxin concentrations are high, it promotes cell elongation, which mean the he darker side of the shoot elongates and grow towards the light while In roots,when auxin concentrations are high, it inhibits cell elongation which means the darker side of the root becomes shorter and the roots grow away from the light.The response of plant due to the change in auxin based on directional stimuli is called tropism. Tropism in plants is categorized into three major categories; Phototropism, Geotropism, hydrotropism. …show more content…

Cytokinins promotes cell division by utilizing the stage cytokinesis in cell division to promote equal growth of both the root and the shoot. The growth of the shoot and root is dependent of the ratio of cytokinins to auxin. If there is an increase in cytokinins then the shoot forms and if there is a decrease in the cytokinins then the root.Cytokinins also promote secondary growth in plants. Secondary growth plants is seen in the increase in the vertical growth of the plant by the diameter or the branching of new branches. A commonly used function in the real world of cytokinins is that it delays the aging of plants, by increasing the amount of new proteins in the plant. Thus cytokinins is sprayed on flowers to keep the flowers fresh and alive for

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