Causes Of Globalization

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Globalisation is not a modern concept that just describes the worldwide exchange of global views, products, ideas, commodities or culture. In fact, it may have had its origin as far back as the colonization of the first civilizations in the world. Besides, its clear definition still remains non-consensual regarding its ongoing status. Nevertheless, the main issue of nowadays’ debates focus on the concrete phenomenon of internationalization of companies and the lowering of trade barriers that led to the interchange of products, services, habits and capital that followed the Second World War. Several events led to this expansion of material and non-material transactions between nations around the world such as innovations in science, technology, …show more content…

For decades, this Asiatic country has been under a communist government. However, following the creation of international organizations such as the Monetary Fund or the International Trade Organization, many measures were taken to include China in the globalization process. Some of these movements, for instance the pro-democracy one in the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989, have been repressed and avoided. Even so, Chinese economic reforms continue to take place and to lead the nation to a way more opened and solid economy with its GDP growing at fast rates. This has been a good example for other countries with such strict ideological politics of how privatization and liberalization can put them in a place where they become seen as global forces through a commitment to free markets and trade. In point of fact, Chinese firms are expanding and attesting their capacities of quality and competition amongst others. (Mahlika, …show more content…

The fact is that, along with economic progress and globalization, collateral damage may arise in the shape of pollution, terrorism, violation of human rights or even famine in poor countries. That is where organizations will politically discuss and decide on what measures should be taken in order to avoid and diminish the impact of those consequences, following, once again, the track left by (economic) globalization.
Overall, it is essential that nowadays’ institutions that provide global governance exist with the purpose of maintaining stability, law and order and prevent conflict even between a country’s government and their citizens. Even if some weaker nations lose some international power, which generally stays within the wealthier states in these organizations, such as Germany in the EU, the truth is that, in needing situations, there will always be someone more powerful than our government to lead us out of a financial crisis, for

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