Essay On Media And Technology

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Media and technology is an important medium that build how citizens participate and express political ideas in politics. The existence of televisions commercial or the printing press had develop debates on the new effects of technology. It has reshaped the relationship between ordinary people and the political powers.The current and evolving advancement of information and communication technologies such as the internet and social media has brought questions regarding its impacts on the citizens political consent and democratic ability. New digital opportunities such as blogs, youtube, facebook and twitter are the digital venues to publish and exchange political information and their alternative opinions.


Mass society have been educated and entertained by the use of mass media however are disconnected from the people outside of their primary groups like family and friends and secondary groups, colleagues. Most emerging Asian countries like China and India have increased its number of social …show more content…

It has become one of the most mobile societies in the world.ICT has allow various political causes in their recent citizen activism. Since the opening of Ohmynews an online citizen newspaper. A case was published using a podcast of when an American military killed a two teenage girls in 2002. There were a candlelight protest for the girls and it happen during the election campaign for the former president Roh Moo-hyun in 2002.The citizens went against his decision to import American beef in 2008. This shows that digital technology played an instrumental role with visible political consequences. Supported by Lee, (2013, p 545-568) 'South Korea's social movements and democratic politics in recent decades cannot be understood without a serious consideration of the Internet and social

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