Political Realism In International Relations

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The origin of realism indicate that realism have the largest period history of development or growth. In the discipline of international relations, there are dispute or contending general theories or theoretical perspectives. Realism is also known as political realism. Political realism is a view of international political of anxiety and it is competitive and conflict competitive side. Realism was publicize widely the constraints on politics imposed by human nature and the absence of international government. Meanwhile, it make international relations largely a dominion of power and interest. Human nature has not changed from the days of classical or ancient times (Thompson, 1979). Realism is an approach to international relations that has …show more content…

Balance of power refer to politics of power balancing in international relations. Political realist explain that international relation situation will be more peaceful and safe from warfare when country practice the concept balance of power. However, every states have the different degree of powers and each states will enhance and work hard to maximize their power level. There will not be one dominant power while state power will always balance. Example types of balance of power is included simple balance and multiple balance for democratic states and communist states. Next, example for the regional balance is European Union. While, United States as a simple balance in power. The methods of balance of power is the armament are one of the most dominant approach is to acquire weapons. For example, armament during the Cold War among Soviet Union and United States with stockpiling of nuclear weapon and China with aircraft …show more content…

Kenneth Waltz identifies two reasons why the anarchic international system limits cooperation. The two reason is insecurity and unequal gains. State do not willingly place themselves in situation of increased dependence. One of the example of insecurity is the recurring dynamic of the security dilemma. Security dilemma is a situation where the action of at state to increase their military capability and it might is seen as a threat by other states. Furthermore, states are never sure whether military planning is for self-preservation or aggression and states fell less secure (Buzan & Herring, 1998). Security dilemma arises from anarchy in international

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