Pomgranate Fruit Research Paper

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1 Background and problem statement Pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum) has always been known as the symbol of health, fertility and eternal life back in ancient time. Pomegranate is in the subclass Rosidae and in order Myrtales, together with a few other fruits which are guava (Psidium sp.) and feijoa (Feijoa sp.) or known as Pineapple guava. (Stover & Mercure, 2007). The name Punica is from the Roman name of Carthage, Pheonicia (Holland, Hatib, & Ya'akov, 2009) which is the ancient city of northern Tunisia (Stover & Mercure, 2007). Punica granatum was first known as Malum granatum which means “grainy apple” (Holland et al., 2009) or the apple of Carthage (Goor, 1967). Pomegranate fruit is rich in antioxidants from polyphenolic class …show more content…

Obesity is measured by the body mass index (BMI) that describes the relative weight for height and is significantly related with total body fat content. BMI should be used to monitor the changes in body weight (Health, 1998). BMI is calculated with the formulae BMI= (weight (kg))/(height (m^2)) and result that is equal to or more than 30 is considered as overweight or obese. Obesity in men usually associated with infertility where the semen quality decline (Hammoud, Gibson, Peterson, Hamilton, & Carrell, 2006). A few biological mechanisms have been proposed to link sleep duration and obesity. One theory said that children with short sleep have low caloric intake. Studies indicate that sleep deprivation results in changes in levels of several hormones; leptin, ghrelin, insulin, cortisol and growth hormones. The changes of these hormones may contribute to energy imbalance then lead to obesity or overweight (Chen, Beydoun, & Wang, 2008). There is also study that showed genetic factors might have relations with obesity in men (Schemmel, Mickelsen, & Gill,

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