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The current study analyzes the semantic and structure of Children‘s Popular Games Jargon in North Gaza, which has some unique set of special jargons. The study follows the analytical/descriptive approach as it best suits this type of study. First, the researchers observed the jargon community, when an opaque word is heard, the researchers tended to ask the children about the meaning of that particular language item. The researchers focused on its pronunciation, form and meaning. The researchers then classified the collected jargon structurally (form) i.e. noun, verb, adjective and adverb and semantically in which the collected items were divided into semantic fields that are related to tools, action, player. The study findings could be summed …show more content…

An individual can have a little influence on the development of society and its culture, but he cannot significantly influence the structure of language. He himself tends to develop his individual language system or idiolect that might be influenced by his social and economic background. Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society or the various functions of language in society. It is concerned with the people in everyday life, the people communication in society. It is the study of language in relation to social factors like social class, educational level, age, sex or ethnic. (Lakoff & Bucholtz, 2004) It has strong connections with culture through the study of language and with sociology through the study of the role language plays in the formation of social groups and institutions. Hudson believes that there is a close connection between language and society because one cannot segregate language from society. Therefore, their language is influenced by the social norms and cultural patterns (Hudson, 1996).nd, educational background, sexes, and ages to convey artistic effects (Loveday, …show more content…

It is like mini dialects but used only for the activity for which they were created. Other definition about jargon is more specifically stated in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2001: 693) states that jargon is technical words expression used by a particular profession or group of people and difficult for others to understand: medical/ legal/ computer jargon. So, people in certain groups or communities use jargon on many purposes. Forms of Jargon ElisYuniasih (2013) in his study provide four forms of jargon, which are as the following: a. Word: Word is the smallest unit of language that the people can understand if it is said or written on its own. For example the word of jargon forms in computer such as hardware(the physical parts of a computer), virus (a program that has been deliberately created to cause computer problems). b. Phrase:A phrase is two or more words that work together as a unit. The example of jargon in the phrase form such as in economic delivery order (a document from the owner or holder of the goods requesting the release of goods held under warrant). c. Abbreviation: According to Hairstone and Ruszkieweiz (1988: 512) abbreviation is a shortened version of a word or phrase, usually consisting of part of the original word or phrase and usually punctuated with a period, i.e. Rev. for Reverend and Mr. for

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