The Importance Of Employee Motivation

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In this research, the key terms will be as follows. Their definition as they will be used in the course of the paper will have explicit meaning to avoid confusion to the reader • Welfare • Employee • Employer • Productivity • Organization • Management Welfare is the provision of social support services like transport to and from the work place, meals, childcare and other basic needs that are meant to improve the social life of employees. Employee is any individual working for a given farm. This will include all staff and the support staff hired on a long term basis. It will however exclude casual laborers hired to work for a daily basis. Productivity as will be used in this research work will imply the satisfactory completion of the tasks …show more content…

Later research showed that there can be a positive coexistence between the two and employees’ productivity raises and he/she starts achieving high when satisfaction is introduced or added to the method used and the result will be encouraging. Employees’ productivity also increases when different tactics are employed and different characters added at the job to enable the employee to reach that performance. Due to the high productivity, the employee gets relief and is encouraged to keep the good performance in the near future (Hackman & Oldham, 1976). Employees can also be motivated to increase their performance when the organization is finally able to provide the following job characteristics: task identity, skill variance, task significance feedback and autonomy. It is also possible to motivate employees to increase their performance through salary increment, job security and assurance, commitment with their supervisors and also self-reinforcement can be …show more content…

In other organizations where employees have no motivation, employee performance is very low since they have no ambition or inspiration to work. Motivation can come in many forms. Salary addition is the most common form of motivation in many organizations or industries. Improved working conditions and a good relationship with the employer or the supervisor is also a very common form of motivation. Take an example, an employee who works in an organization with an arrogant boss and a very dirty office. To add on that he/she is paid very poor salary. The employee will definitely not perform to his/her best since there is no motivation to work in the organization at all. This simple illustration shows that motivation is a very important factor for any organization to perform at its

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