Post Lecture Reflection

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SMSE8001: Management By Humor. Post Lecture Reflection 1: The Lecture is made interesting by the lecturer, Dr. Andrew Goh, who uses one of the main points of the course, humor, to drive his points through. His random humor throughout the lecture helps me to enjoy and be more attentive throughout the lectures together with my course mates. Also, most importantly, learn about the ways of management not through strict and rigid ways of beck and calls, but through many different ways of management because of the different personalities that people have. We had a simple profiling session in the first part of the lecture, to learn more about the personalities that me myself, as well as those that are around me had. We were taught how people with different personalities would think and act in different situations which is, to me, both interesting and surprising for me. I …show more content…

From casual decision making of ‘Which one should I buy?’ in the mall to responsible decision making of ‘ How should I solve this issue?’ from a manager in a multinational corporation, decision making is an integral part of our lives, impacting us both immediately and subtly over a period of time. There are many steps in a decision making process. However, there are also many factors that affect one from making a logical and rational decision to fully benefit the decision maker. Often these factors are minute that we think that it may not affect us in any way, but it prevents us from making a rational decision. An example would be doing a long report which would impact your final results. Even though over time you realized that the report may be irrelevant from the topic. However, due to lots of time and effort spent, you may be unwilling to discard and redo the report that may impact your results

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