Post Structuralism In The Color Purple

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174582: Marxism 170970: Post Structuralism Marxism Intro: Marxism Critical theory came out of Post Structuralism Intro: Marxism: The author 's history and status in society play a large role in how the story is written and the way it is written. Post Structuralism: The author 's role is useless in understanding the story and what the story says. Post Structuralism is not concerned with how the story is written but with what it says Marx: But the author 's background influences what the story says. Books like the Color Purple would not have been written if Alice Walker did not have those ties to Black America. Post Struct: True but the primary impact of the story is the emotions depicted through the text* It is how the reader feels that makes a story memorable and influential. A reader may not relate to living in Black America but they have the empathy to feel sorry for Celia when she gets beaten up by her husband. This is …show more content…

Marx: I see what you are trying to say, but not including what the author 's background or the time and place the story took place can make it completely muddled. If you handed a copy of Hamlet to a remote tribe in Africa with different customs and social structure, the story will make no sense. The same goes for handing a book like Color Purple to someone form the Europe or even America that has no knowledge of the class constrictions in America. The public needs to know more about the context or it wont get through. If someone doesn 't know what satire is or understand sarcasm very well, A Modest Proposal will literally be a essay about why a whole country should eat babies instead of a critical look at how the British viewed the Irish. Post Struct: If the author’s background is detrimental to understanding the story, then the author hasn’t achieved in telling the story. I never had to kill my uncle for revenge and to restore order to Denmark but I do empathise with Hamlet’s struggle with morality. The human condition is not tied

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