Essay On Environmental Polluter

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Poverty is the source of the greatest environmental polluter?

Indonesia including a still-developing country characterized by rampant poverty. Poverty is an issue of development with social and political resistance due to the policies of the past that put more emphasis on the aspects of growth and tend to ignore the institutional aspect.
The difficulties of living experienced by developing countries grew severe, accompanied by a high population growth rate. As a result, the country is doing a lot of effort to get enough food for its people. While the added production is almost entirely absorbed by the increase in population. Along with population growth followed by the drain of natural skills, sacrifice of resources in the form of punahnya biodiversity and pollution.
Poverty and unemployment lead …show more content…

Because the healthy living Fund man is one of the rights that we receive from the State. But instead, many people who do not know the importance of keeping and maintaining the environment. This situation endured by the people who live in remote areas, they often pollute the environment because their own lives have been polluted. Circumstances are deficient, foraging difficult, unemployed, living on the edge of the River, how can they have the awareness to maintain and preserve the environment? While they just couldn't keep up and maintain itself.
So, the argument that says that poverty is the biggest polluters is correct. Therefore, the need for upanya to eradicate poverty in Indonesia. For example by creating new programs in addition to the BPJS, BLT, smart card or other. Life would be sure of good food, clothing as well as the Board of making human life more peaceful and may give rise to awareness of the love of the environment. The environment is an asset for our grandchildren later, so it should be preserved so that the earth remains awake and survive until hundreds of years

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