Cameroon English Language Essay

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This study investigates the contribution of the Cameroonian print media to the development of Cameroon English (CamE) and the English language as a whole. Insights are drawn from suppositions on new or world Englishes (Schneider 2003, 2007, 2008; Kachru 1986, 1992; Platt, Weber & Ho 1984) who maintain that factors such as the function, socio-cultural, educational and political factors motivate the spread of New Englishes. Analysis of some 200 issues of Cameroon Tribune, The Herald and The Post newspapers collected from 2008 – 2014 reveal that print media sources enrich CamE with loan words from mother tongues, borrowed nominal elements from Cameroon Pidgin English (CPE) and French, coinages, idioms, stylistic devices, deviant prepositions, etc. Cameroonians value these distinctive linguistic forms because it helps them …show more content…

The author’s findings reveal that modals occur less frequently in CamE, the blurring of the distinction between formal and informal use of modals like must and should, and the divergence of the structure of questions in CamE from those in native English. According to the researcher, questions like “you will come when?” have some semblance with those of Cameroonian home languages of the Bantu origin. The author argues that interplay of the syntax of these home languages and English could be responsible for such questions. In other research, Nkemleke (2006a, 2006b: 166- 184) found that texts such as Cameroon students’ essays, dissertation acknowledgments and private letters portray cultural-specific indicators which make them different from those in Standard English (SE). The scholar found nativised rhetorical style, expressions of difference and metaphor of “community” in some of the texts. Ngefac (2010: 149- 164) explains that factors like age, native language, official language background and intimacy motivate the choice of language used by

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