
Pro-Choice, Pro Life Philosophy On Abortion

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In this paper I will be discussing the pro-choice, pro-life philosophy on abortion. There is much debate on this issue, any many people on both sides. With the world becoming smaller and better education and contraception is the debate becoming a moot point? The pro-life philosophy is mainly supported by religious sects and those whom have the same value. The pro-lifers believe that life starts at the conception. G-d created man to procreate and it should not be legal to abort at all. They are also against euthanasia, war, etc. (Head) The pro-choice philosophy believes that a woman should have the right to have an abortion within the first trimester (at least). This group supports the use of contraception and education for people on sex. …show more content…

These would be deadly for the women or a trip to the hospital or a lengthy hospital stay. More women were coming in due to botched abortions then birth at one point in America. (Guttmacher)With the law in place women have clinics that are certified and have board certified MD’s to do the procedures and have become safer. Those who support pro-life, want the women who are pregnant to have the baby, and put it up for adoption, or go to a Mercy Center (if no family support). The pro-life do support “abortion” is if the child has become toxic to the mother, causing the mother to be gravely sick. So the problem is with those who do not support abortion, is that they do not show up at your door to help out, supply diapers, etc. or just say hi how are you. In conclusion I think as the world becomes “smaller” and people become better educated, people will increase their use of protection (or at least this is my hope). You could say I am more pro-choice, I think most people are pro-choice they just don not realize it yet. You choose to have a child; you choose not to have a child, etc. They are a few thing we don’t choose and sometimes they are wonderful and sometimes your worst nightmare. I choose to have a child with Down Syndrome; despite I was only 28years old and 23 week when I found out and I have never looked back and is the best choice I ever made. Pro-choice has enabled women

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