Procrastination Research Paper

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The first historical analysis on procrastination was written by milgram(1992). He argues that modern societies require a high advanced work that requires a lot of commitments which help the rise of procrastination among people. On the other hand, the undeveloped agrarian societies are not affected by this complex behavior. Ferrari et al. (1995) take similar yet lighter stand in their book. they state that procrastination had been present through the history but it gains truly negative effects with the revolution of the digital age (1750s). Before then procrastination was viewed neutrally and it could be explained as a wise action. So, there is some truth in considering procrastination as a modern malady. The rise of procrastination occurs side by side with the digital age. But despite this fact different historical studies indicate that the views about procrastination have been reasonably …show more content…

they tend to be hesitant in general and they often fail to do the job as they decide to do it. Worrier procrastinators wait for other help, advice, and reassurance. This type resist changing so much since the prefer the safety of the 'known' instead of the risk of the 'unknown'. 4.Defier procrastinators: this type gives more attention to what other expect or want from them instead of what they really want. They also do not show any negative feeling directly but they convey these feelings indirectly by procrastination. Also, they hate those who are in the authority and use procrastination as a way to challenge them. Defier procrastinator are slowly with work they don't like or task they don't interested in. 5.Crisis-Maker Procrastinators: people who belong to this type turn every situation into a drama. They ignore their task until the last minute and then they feel the risk and start working on them. Crisis maker procrastinator actually feel a need to prove themselves by taking such a