
Progressive Era Dbq

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The Progressive Era was a big shift in US history because this was a time in which the government was more involved in things like social reforms. During this era, the US government was getting bigger and taking on more responsibility. Because of the expansion of urbanization and industrialization, there was an oil demand. With the expansion of urbanization and industrialization, there were more job opportunities for Americans. The government got involved more by giving Americans opportunities and jobs. This also resulted in the rise of the middle class. Other than the expansion of industrialization and job opportunities, the US government was taking control of child labor and better working conditions for everyone. Kids under 14 years of age were working because of the cheap labor, resulting in dangerous work conditions. The government decided to mandate education to reduce child labor. Women's …show more content…

This was the biggest economic crisis in the country. People were buying on margin in which Americans were buying stocks. Some individuals bought too much credit and couldn’t pay it back, leading to an overextension of credit. Since Americans weren’t buying products due to the lack of money, businesses couldn’t afford to pay their employees and ended up laying them off. President Franklin Roosevelt created programs that helped the country. He made the New Deal, which was the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), WPA (Works Progress Association), and Social Security Act. Due to the Great Depression, to this day we have things like the FDIC, Social Security Act, minimum wage, unemployment, and maximum work week. Not only did the New Deal make the government bigger, but it also allowed African Americans to vote. This significant change helped the US get back stronger and build a stronger economy that still exists

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