Essay On The Pros And Cons Of Community Service

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Life always serves us; with situations that become hard for us to handle; with circumstances that put us in positions of vulnerability; and with people who may or may not be the ones we think they are. It’s all part of the restaurant that life is. But all that is served has two sides to it. There are two types of situations one the ‘shortcuts in life’ which give you an easy way out, the other the ‘mazes of life’ that you might be stuck in for quite a long time. Then there are two types of circumstances, one that you put yourself in, and the other that people put you in; some ‘voluntary’, the other ‘involuntary.’ And finally, people! People are either who they appear to be or not to be; they are either ‘themselves’ or ‘transformations’. Whatever they might be, they are all around you, all having unique proportions of characteristics and skills, all that you might or might not know of.
Our past is one of the departments in our restaurant, which serve us true or false conceptions about our self as the entrée, good or bad memories as the main course, and right or wrong morals of it for dessert; all in the present. One could say that each of the dishes served has their pros and cons, some too spicy the others too sweet. But you can’t stick to just one. You can’t be an optimist and eat something sweet and sugary all your life as you’ll end up …show more content…

If the past was something that the restaurant had served and the future is something that the restaurant will serve, you might be wondering what the present has to do with this. I’ll tell you that the present has a very different and unique quality. It is the connection between the past and the future and what you want in the future, depends on the present but is used in context with the past. And you might be thinking what complicated equation I am hitting you with, but really it’s not some mathematical equation you have to comprehend, it’s an idea that you’ve long

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