There are many opposing views pertaining to this argument, but if everyone was just able to come to an agreement; the world would be a better place. Accordingly, carrying a concealed firearm shows time and time again to reduce crime. If you were trying to rob someone and they had a concealed weapon you would be in for a huge surprise, so it kind of acts
Why Not Conceal Carry? On April 16, 2007, 32 people were murdered and another 23 were wounded, either by Seung-Hui Cho, the man doing the killing, or by jumping out of windows to escape him. That day Seung-Hui Cho used a Glock 19 and a Walther P22 to commit the second deadliest shootout in US history. While many people, like Josh Sugarmann and his Concealed Carry Killers report would have one believe that allowing people to conceal carry on campus would of made things worse, but I believe just the opposite.
“A 1985 Department of Justice survey of incarcerated felons reported that 57 percent of the felons polled agreed that "criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim than they are about running into the police. "(Larry Pratt) Researcher Gary Kleck found that 92 percent of criminal attacks are deterred when a gun is merely shown or, rarely, a warning shot fired. This means that open carry would have the effect of deterring crime in the same way that a thief might choose another restaurant when he sees police eating at his intended target.
I think its good that Obama thinks we need a gun law because over the years we have seen a spark in mass shooting. But I also understand that its our right to bare arms. But I hope that congress can come to a action plan to form a bill that has limitations on guns. I think that we should have a mental check on people to see if they are in the right mindset to have a gun. We need to try to get the selling of illegally down.
With recent shootings in America, such as the Las Vegas shooting, the shooting at the church in Texas, and the shooting in a nightclub in Little Rock many people are weary about gun carriers, however many gun carriers are allowed to in some states that allow open carry firearms. One of the largest coffee chains, Starbucks allows and obey the laws by allowing customers to walk in with their open carry firearm. Where is all the controversy coming from, well in paragraph 2, “Forty-three states have instituted "open-carry" weapon laws, which permit gun owners to carry a firearm in plain sight when in public. In some of these states, businesses reserve the right to declare their premises gun-free zones (just as stores have the right to deny service to barefoot customers), but Starbucks allows customers to carry guns in all states where it 's legal.” (2) Customers are upset that Starbucks allows guns inside because when customers walk in they don’t want to see people with guns, because guns and firearms have been depicted in the news as a
so people can feel more protected. As Well as giving people the protection that need if other resources are not available to them at that time that they need it. Next, concealed weapons give people a sense of awareness after taking a class on how to use their weapon. Finally, carrying a concealed weapon can decrease many risks that we have in day to day life. The “concealed carry lifestyle” should not be just pushed by gun manufacturers, but instead should be pushed by some organizations that support it.
The gun ownership in this specific state is more accessible and let qualified applicants carry any firearms that are under the limitations of the law provided. In addition, citizens, and including the majority of responsible law abiding gun owners, understand we should change the laws related to gun control in the state of Texas. Having in mind that states with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest guns deaths. The
Non supporters of concealed carry on campus have great counter arguments for the pro-gun supporters. Someone carrying a weapon can be easily disarmed. A weapon can go off accidentally through negligent discharge. According to, “Among the more than 150 college campuses that currently allow concealed carry, there have been three accidental/negligent discharges—two by faculty/staff and one by a student. Two of the negligent discharges were the result of the license holder carrying the gun in a pants pocket without a holster (both of these incidents resulted in non-life-threatening injuries to the license holder’s leg), and one was the result of the license holder showing a new gun—a gun with which she was not yet familiar—to her coworkers (this incident resulted in only minor abrasions that did not require medical attention)”.
However, for some people, the sight of an open gun will not make them feel safe and uneasy. By allowing open carry, you are ensuring trust amongst your peers and those around you to protect you with your life; however, relying on a stranger to protect your life is a gamble and one that several people are not will to make. Finally, open carry on school campuses will lead to more violence. As reported in various school shootings, such the shooting in Albemarle High School in North Carolina on September 2014, some shootings were caused by arguments between two students. The incident, and several others public shooting incidents, would have been avoided if the shooter did not have a weapon on his person and if the country had more strict gun control laws.
The United States was founded off many common laws that were for the benefit of the people. In 1791 the foundation for the United States was put into place when the Bill of Rights for the Constitution was ratified on December 15, 1791 (Staff, ProQuest 1). The Second Amendment was a part of the Bill of Rights and has caused many issues sense the ratification. There are several view points on the Second Amendment, gun control, and what needs to be done to reduce gun violence. A problem arises when the federal government tries to make certain laws involving firearms due to the Second Amendment.
A gun is made to be used at its full capability. Weapons are used also for protection over your family,(“A ban on assault weapons would not reduce crime”) also said, “ California 's murder rate increased every year for five years, twenty-six percent total. That is a perfect example of why some people feel the need to keep a gun or firearm in their homes, they are aware of the murder rate due to the media. People do not want to take a chance on someone hurting them so they feel the need to have one, witch is understandable because the murder rate has raised in the last 5 years there. You don’t want your firearm to not be able to be used to its maximum strength at a time if someone was to try to harm you, you would want it to be able to be used at its maximum strength to be able to protect you from harm.
A few years ago, a student named Amanda Carpenter attended the University of Nevada at Reno. She was walking to her car from class when she was attacked and raped. This student felt as if she had been allowed to carry a concealed gun, she probably would not have gotten raped that night (Wiseman, 2012). There are many misconceptions about carrying a concealed gun, everyone is not criminals, and everyone will not commit a crime. A thorough background check, training, and the passing of a test should qualify people the right to carry a concealed gun everywhere.
Gun NOtrol Over the recent years, the controversial debate on gun control has struck the nation. Gun control is defined as “the set of laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms by civilians.” There has been high regulations set forth that restrict civilians from either possessing certain kinds of guns, size of magazines, or meeting certain requirements.
Open Carry Deters Crime. Retrieved April 17, 2017, from Wagoner, C. (2015, 30 Aug). Concealed weapons will make campuses safer. Gainesville Sun Retrieved from
With tougher gun control laws, there will be a lesser chance of another shooting. Owning a weapon makes a person feel safer. Pew Foundation report found that “79% of male gun owners and 80% of female gun owners said owning a gun made them feel safer and 64% of people living in a home in which someone else owns a gun felt safer.” The truth is owning