Pros And Cons Of The Treaty Of Versailles

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Stop! WWI was supposed to be the last hardship. Germany found peace in being powerful while the peace should have been found in the Treaty of Versailles. If a mom says no to a kid when they are doing something bad they are not going to listen and keep doing the action. People especially people trying to gain power are not gonna listen to something thats gonna hold them back or let something be more inpower than them.The kid is Germany the mom is Treaty of Versailles giving away Germanys rights and disarming them. World War II was justified because Germany broke the agreement of Treaty of Versailles, helped over come economic trouble, and it was always gonna happen you could not stop it. People did not want to fight they listened to any idea people had so there would be peace. The idea left with unrealistic standards and high expectations. It was destine to fail and people realized there had to be a War. …show more content… covering WWll states “Rising to power in an economically and politically unstable Germany, Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party, rearmed the nation and signed strategic treaties with Italy and Japan to further his ambitions of world domination” (2009). This shows me Hitler had every intention on rearming Germany and taking over Poland. They got the bad end off the peace deal giving most of there land to Poland, they were determined to get it back. Another source claims, “However, the Allies demanded “compensation by Germany for all damage done to the civilian population of the Allies and their property by the aggression of Germany by land, by sea and from the air.”(Britannica 2023) This showing Germany is at fault for taking over and taking over Poland by surprise by land, seas, and air. Ultimately breaking the agreement and breaking the peace, creating

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