While under the Articles of Confederation, the government deemed to be unfit for the newfound, thriving country. In order to keep this nation thriving, our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution. Originally, the Constitution was to only replace the Articles of Confederation. However, its amendments portrayed the struggles of once stolen rights and gave the nation a push in the right direction for their federal government. Therefore, the Constitution was a story of America’s rough past that molded the nation into this remarkable society. While under Britain’s rule, the colonists were used as revenue to aid the mother country. Although Britain took home the Seven Years War victory, the victory was costly and they needed money immediately. So …show more content…
According to Article II in the Articles of Confederation,” Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.” Overall, the federal government had very little power due to paranoia and the states’ government had too much power, which gave them too many privileges. It was not made as a permanent government; it was made for a temporary fix during the American Revolution. It was a very unfitting, unsustainable government. America would not have lasted on that government at all. If anything, we would’ve not existed had we stayed under that document. According from an excerpt from the Constitutional Convention 1774- 1789, I quote,” As the articles of confederation are silent upon this subject, any further than by fixing the number of delegates for each state, and by declaring how many shall constitute a representation, the committee presume such silence was in consequence of a firm reliance that the states could not be inattentive to a duty only essential to the interests of each state, but likewise to a principle on which the federal government itself rests. The articles of confederation requiring, for certain purposes, the agreement of nine states, and as it has seldom happened more than that number have attended, the committee conceive, that not only the injury …show more content…
They were in debt and at a grave loss when it came to artillery for protection, produce to feed the hungry mouths and an idea as to why to do after they had fought for their now achieved independence. Also, the Articles portrayed this feeling of selfishness. The states could care less what their fellow neighbors were going through, as long as they were doing fine, that’s all that mattered. Finally, after nine years, the people realized how immense the unthoughtful articles impacted the nation as a whole. That’s why they began the Constitution with the infamous words,”We the People,” to emphasize that the nation is once again, a whole. The Americans then decided to create the Constitution, giving more leniency to the society and gave more control to the federal government, like bringing in a Chief Executive, grant taxing powers, and establish actual court cases to deal with any troubles the nations as a whole had, so they could actually become a well balanced nation. All the while portraying those things, the Constitution was and is a timeline, filled with the past that shaped our future for our