Pros And Cons Of Working In Women Correctional Facilities

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Men’s working in women’s correctional facilities is a controversial topic. There have been a lot of issues surrounding this topic. Everyone has their own opinion on whether or not it is appropriate for men to work in female correctional facilities. In my opinion, men should not be allowed to work in women correctional facilities. There are many reasons why men should not work in women correctional facilities. One reason why they should not is because they tend to manipulate the inmates. The guards have all the power over the inmates so they can make them do anything. If a guard feels like messing with an inmate they can and half of the time they do not get caught. The guards might tell them one thing and have them thinking a certain way so they could …show more content…

Some pros to men working are that they are supposed to give off a positive attitude. Also since it has been known that many women are in the system because of a man they guards are supposed to show them how they should be treated. Another pro is it would settle the tension and animosity between the all women in the facility. If you think about it all females being together is already an issue because of attitudes and drama. If you have all the prisoners going at each other and then the guard prisoners being women too would be a problem. I think men working in these facilities will also be better for the women to get different type of attention. Even though there is a few pros for men working in women correctional facilities there are also cons. There are more cons then pros. One big con is there are a lot of sexual relationships happening between the guards and the prisoners. Also many prisoners are being raped by the guards and sexually harassed. Deaths also occur in the facilities from men being too rough with the females. Another con could be that the females won’t feel safe in the prison with the guards because of their