Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Case Study

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Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Diagnosis

Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is difficult to diagnose. For diagnosing PMP as well as verifying the development of the disease, several tests are available. PMP can often be found during treatment of or operation performed for other medical problems.

The selection of tests applicable to a particular patient as well as the frequency of the tests is discussed with a doctor. The tests vary depending on the symptoms that arise. All tests are not applicable to every patient.

CT scan

A computed tomography (CT) scan displays a 3D image of the inner part of the body on the computer screen by taking a number of X-ray measurements. This picture helps to easily view a pouch of mucin, its developing stage, and the …show more content…

Very high-frequency sound waves are introduced into the abdomen through the gel by using a small probe (transducer). Thereafter, the sound waves reflect back from the abdomen, which are collected in the transducer.

Then, they are sent to the computer, which converts the sound waves into pictorial representation, which is examined by the doctor.


Biopsy is one of the important tests because it provides the doctor with clear information about the cell from which the tumor has progressed. Thereafter, various types of biopsy tests are carried out on the cells for further verification.

These tests are done by cutting a small portion of body cells or tissue. A pathologist (specialized in examining body cells) analyzes the removed portion under a microscope. In some cases, the doctor needs the help of an ultrasound or CT scan to direct the biopsy needle to cut the correct portion of tissue.

For some patients, a number of biopsies are needed to get clarification on the tumor. Yet, it does not require a long-term stay in the hospital.
Various types of biopsy tests involved in the examination of a tissue or cells are:
CT or ultrasound-guided biopsy
Core needle biopsy
Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy

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