Violence In Hrm

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Violence is every violent action committed by a person against another using physical force. Type of violence: 4.2.1. Physical violence: includes sexual assault, beating, kicking, slapping, stabbing, pushing, pulling, pinching that could inflict bruises or physical injuries and cause the victim not be able to perform his/her duties. 4.2.2. Verbal violence: such as insulting, cursing (stupid, dumb, dog, pig, mule, wretch, monkey, your brain, etc.) 4.2.3. Psychological violence: includes harassment, threat, and intimidation. 4.3. Harassment is any kind of unwanted action, that was done repeatedly to a worker or a group of workers and affecting their working performance. The incident would cause the victim to feel uncomfortable, as if he/she is working in a hostile environment. 4.3.1. Harassment might occur if : Such action would create the work environment to be intimidating, hostile or offensive. The employers, the management and top rank leaders of the factory, or the workers are conducting or trying to affect the working relationship or working condition or new applicants with sexual reward. Such action is not acceptable and offensive to the victim, and it is considered as a subjective behavior from the perspective of the …show more content…

It is not harassment if the action was based on mutual feeling. 4.3.2. Type of harassment: Physical harassment: unwanted touch that could lead to sexual assault such as kissing, patting, pinching sensitive body parts or lustful stare. Verbal harassment: including unwanted comments about someone’s private life, body parts or appearance, implicit sexual jokes and comments Hinted/body language harassment: including body language that leads to something sexual or other gestures by using a finger. Written/graphical harassment: the appearance of pornographic materials, pictures, screen saver (see the image on a computer screen), sexual posters and harassment via e-mail as well as private companies and other electronic communications media (Hand Phone,

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