Why Is Public Speaking Important?

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#1 Public speaking is different from other forms of communication because the speaker does most of the talking. Although the speaker does most of the talking the audience will respond with different types of expression. The type of audience also affects how the speaker presents his or her topic. The speaker will cater to his or her audience. Public speaking also has to do with how you present your speech your body language, eye contact and, how they speak with emotion. They also prepare their presentation they research their topic and practice presenting it before they actually present it to an audience.

#2 Public speaking is not just a class that is required to take in college but, it can also come in handy with other parts of your life. Public speaking helps students during their journey through college. As a student you are forced to give oral speeches. Learning how to speak in front of an audience will help with anxiety and nerves that you get …show more content…

(Page 12 Speak up) Civic engagement is important part of democratic self-government because it helps us to have our voices be heard in our communities.

# 4 The great tradition of public speaking dates back as far as BCE time before there was a thing called the internet Greek cities would meet to discuss civic matters and also vote on policies. The philosophy of public speaking was a topic throughout the world. Many thought it was the most important lesson there is. Public speaking was used to be help protestors during the Tea Party debacle. But, for the twenty first century public speaking been used for thing like Academy Award speeches and acting.

# 5 the transactional model of communication is the exchange of messages from sender to receiver. One sends a message while and waits for the other to respond. While linear model focuses on one form of communication and that is sender to

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