
Fate Of Pyruvate Research Paper

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Discussion In Detail The Fate Of Pyruvate Under Different Metabolic Conditions Most organism and most of the types of cells have the similar sequence of reactions from glucose to pyruvate. Opposite to the fate of pyruvate which is variable. There are three reactions of pyruvate that are most important which are the conversion of pyruvate into ethanol, lactic acid or carbon dioxide. Firstly, pyruvate in yeast and several microorganisms will be forming ethanol in an aerobic condition. Moreover, the decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetaldehyde is the first step in the reaction. Pyruvate decarboxylase catalyzes the reaction which needs the coenzyme thiamine pyrophosphate that has been derived from vitamin thiamine (B1). The next step is the reduction …show more content…

As discuss above, pyruvate can be directly converted into oxaloacetate or it can convert in malate first by giving up carbon dioxide. Then, malate can convert into oxaloacetate by reduces NAD+ into NADH and H+. In the pyruvate pathway, oxaloacetate cannot be converted into phosphoenolpyruvate in the mitochondria because there is no NADH reducing equivalents which is NAD+ .That is why there is an extra step that should be taken where the production of NADH reducing equivalents occur. Therefore, in mitochondria, oxaloacetate will be converted into malate by malate dehydrogenase which oxidizes NADH and H+ into NAD+ . With the presence of NAD+, malate will then be transported into cytosol and will be converted back into oxaloacetate. The conversion will then reduces NAD+ into NADH and H+. The conversion from oxaloacetate into malate serve to move NAD+ from mitochondria into cytosol which is important in gluconeogenesis to proceed. In conclusion of this reaction, pyruvate carboxylase enzyme catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate into oxaloacetate in TCA cycle. But oxaloacetate needed to be converted into malate first before it can exit the mitochondria. Then, malate will can be converted into pyruvate back that catalyze by malic enzyme in mithochondria or it can be trasnport into cytosol with the presence on NAD+ via dicarboxylate

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