Quadratic Assignment Problem

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Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is one of the symbolic combinatorial optimization problems in the operation research field. Given set of n facilities and set of n locations, distance is specified for each pair of locations and flow is specified for each pair of facilities. The goal in the QAP is to find the assignment of all facilities to different locations with the goal of minimizing the sum of the distances multiplied by the corresponded flows.

The aim of this study is that to propose an improved Tabu Tenure of Tabu Search for the QAP. Tabu Tenure is a critical parameter that greatly affects the performance of Tabu Search. Tabu Search is a method for solving difficult problems in optimization. Tabu Search was invented by Fred W. Glover …show more content…

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An initial solution,s is chosen randomly and set as the best found solution, sbest = s. The following function, GenerateAdmissableSolutions browse the neighborhood to find solutions which are not tabu or solutions that are tabu, but satisfy the aspiration criterion. Aspiration criterion is an algorithmic device which is introduced to allow choosing taboo moves if the moves are found to be interesting. Usually, a taboo move is accepted if the move results to a better solution compared to the current best solution. Ater that, SelectBestSolutions then return the best admissable move and the memory sructure is updated with the function UpdateMemoryStructure. If the f(s) is better than f(sbest), the best solution is updated, sbest = s. If the f(s) is less good than f(sbest), the current best known solution f(sbest) is kept for next iteration. When the termination condition is met, the best found solution returned in the loop, sbest is returned as the best found

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