Quitters Never Win: My Favorite Sport In High School

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Quitters Never Win
When I was younger I was very busy with many different activities. I loved all things athletic and competitive, and I still do. I had some kind of sports practice almost every night; ranging from hockey, golf, gymnastics, piano lessons, and softball. My favorite sport in middle school and high school was softball. The summer before junior year in high school I was on a club softball team. We had a new coach who was fairly young and understood that we all had lives outside of softball. I wanted to keep playing the sport that I loved but also hangout with my friends. It was very nice having a coach who understood that. We had practice once or twice a week, then games once a week, and sometimes tournaments on the weekend. I loved our coach, we were doing pretty well as a team, and the atmosphere was great. …show more content…

He thought we should be practicing every day when we didn’t have a game or tournament. He decided that the two parent coaches we had in the fall would be coaching our team for the rest of the summer. The two parent coaches made us practice almost every night and would schedule practices on short notice, a very large inconvenience for a team of 16 and 17 year old girls. One of the coaches daughters played second base, the same position that I did, and of course she got to play over me during games. When we would go to out of town tournaments I would sit on the bench while her daughter got to play my position.
I was getting very frustrated with our new coaches. I didn’t think it was very fair of them to favor their daughters, whom I was better than, to play over me. I also hated driving 9 hours to tournaments in Kansas City to sit on the bench and not be able to

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