Benefits Of Rainwater Harvesting

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Rainwater Harvesting
Water is necessary for all life on Earth. It is used and obtained by people, plants, and animals every day. When water falls from the sky it can be collected, reserved, and utilized, or descend to the ground as runoff. The act of collecting this water is called Rainwater Harvesting. Rainwater Harvesting is a free way to obtain reasonably clean water which can be filtered out and used for many purposes. Rainwater Harvesting began when people started harvesting what little rainwater they had. As a result, the harvesting started spreading to places which received plenty of rainfall (Rinkesh). In Howell County, Missouri the yearly amount of rainfall is 47.25 inches. Although Missouri seems to receive plenty of rainfall, droughts …show more content…

First, rainwater harvesting offers many benefits for harvester themselves. Rainwater harvesting can be used for multiple purposes such as watering the lawn and garden, washing vehicles and pets, refilling pools, washing dishes and clothes, bathing, drinking, and flushing toilets. Rainwater can be used as a main source of water or a backup to wells. These systems are very flexible allowing them to expand, reconfigure, or even be relocated (Rainwater Harvesting FAQ). By collecting your own water, water bills are significantly reduced and the likelihood of overflowing stormwater systems are minimised (“Rainwater Harvesting”). Harvesting can also keep vegetation from not overhanging a home’s roof and keeps gutters clean (“Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting”). In addition to, rainwater harvesting helps prevent stormwater pollution and soil erosion. Stormwater pollution is when runoff collects salts, pesticides and animal waste which affects the environment by causing unsanitary living spaces and bodies of water. Harvesting water can utilize rainwater falling on our homes and landscapes which contributes to the prevention of pollution (“Rainwater Harvesting - Sourcing the Rain”). The collection of water in large tanks reduces floods in low lying areas, soil erosion, and contamination of surface water (Rinkesh). Furthermore, collecting rainwater lessens the impact of municipal water sources and the environment. People living in cities and towns rely on industrial farms which need imported water for daily survival. Harvesting can reduced the need for water transport systems that threaten the water cycle and local habitats (“Rainwater Harvesting - Sourcing the Rain”). Rainwater harvesting has many benefits and advantages contributing to the need to expand to Howell

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