
Ralph Elain Play Review

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This play was not what I was expecting, but in a good way. I liked the play more than I thought I would. I loved how the setting was in Mississippi so the characters added a southern accent to play. The lingo was very different being that it was during the 80’s in the south. The play was clearly understood through the characters, set design costumes, and lightning/special effects. The characters actions and movements helped me better enjoy and comprehend what the script was about. Being that the setting took place in Mississippi in the 80’s the dialect was at first hard to understand, but with the help of the characters movement I grasped what the play was about. One of the best parts of plays is how the actors are able to make a character on paper come to life. In the play the actors did a good job. I expected for the actors to be not as experienced as actors I have seen in the past since they’re college students. However, these students were awesome and I can tell they put their 100% effort into the play. I appreciated how the actors gave so much energy from the opening scene to the closing scene. I …show more content…

Elain had pretty dresses, nice make-up, and her hair was always done. I could tell that Elain was a girly girl and she took pride in her appearance. Elain wore a dress even in the scene when she was in the house. Popeye had on nerdy classes, her lipstick was all over her lips, her hair was in a messy ponytail, and her clothes were big and tacky looking. Popeye costume explained how she was uncoordinated, she was a happy person, and she had a bubbly personality. Popeye wanted to be the girl that got the boy, but men did not pay her any attention. I like her character the most. Popeye liked Delmount, however; she did not change herself to get Delmount’s attention. Also, I like that her character had spunk and attitude even though she was awkward

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