Essay On Random Sampling

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There are other variables that may have an effect on the outcome. An honors class will have different results than a regular class. Morning classes may have different results than afternoon classes. These variables must be controlled to enable the true effects (dependent variable) of the independent variable to be measured.
Random sampling
Random sampling is one simple method of controlling some of the variables. The stratified random sample controls for specific variables by choosing subjects from different levels or categories. The following examples show examples of this process.

• Equal numbers of students could be chosen from the honors and regular classes. This controls for varying achievement levels.

• Equal numbers of students could …show more content…

In a list of students, the researcher makes the decision to start with a specific number (For example, student 2, 5, or 6 in class list). Select that student and then choose the pattern of choice. For example choose student #3 and then choose each 9th student (3, 12, 21, 30, etc.). This process increases the likelihood that there will be a captured representative sample of the 10th grade population. Computer generated samples allow for even greater sophistication of choice and is the process used for most research today.
If the study is going to compare the attitudes of students who take various electives, the electives could be a basis of the sampling. This is called a stratified random sample. A certain number of students from each elective class would be selected for the sample. The classes form the stratified portion. Within each class, the students would be chosen randomly. The correct number of students needed for a sample depends on a variety of factors. The first one is the purpose of the study. In a study of students’ plans after high school, all seniors (12th grade) may be surveyed so the sample size is the same as the population for that school. (Note: It may be slightly smaller as a few students may be absent and unable to complete the

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